The Moment in the movies

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Riding down the highway in my Silver Cadillac with the music on full blast me and Mitch had no chance to talk. We just grooved to the music. I pretended to focus completely on LiL Wayne's lyrics but I could still taste Mitch on my tongue. I know that is my best friend but I want more. Thinking about how I was going to break it to him these Nikki Minaj reject bitches pulled up beside my car.

My baby was always attracting attention! Hell, she is a bad bitch. Dark tents, twenty- two inch rims, and she's chromed out. I had her tagged last week. So now along her sides read " Rude Boy" in nice bold script. It covered the entire front door on both sides. Seems like we been getting extra attention since. People assume you fresh cause your ride right...Hollies don't care about shit but their rides. Hood rule -"Your ride is your bitch."

They pulled up on the passenger side. The two chicks gestured for Mitch to roll down his window. Once he did they started to speak.

" how are you guys doing?" ...

" I'm Issya and this is my girl Shaanique!"

My hand passed the volume button turning it down. I was trying be nice. This shit ain't gonna last long though.

Putting on his best poker face Mitch replied.

" Ladies we were doing okay but we are even better now that y'all here, I'm Mitch and that's my man J.P. How may we be of service?"

The way Mitch said " My man" almost made me piss myself with laughter but I knew he didn't mean it that. I still felt better just hearing him say those words. Jealousy is taking over me! loving this fool secretly gonna be tough and to tell the truth ,I really don't know if I can do it.

Seeing the shorty in the passenger side Shaanique. Brod was hot! Ghetto but looked liked she held down a nice pussy piece. I undressed her with my eyes while Mitch and Issya continued talking.

" We looking for the Amce theater." Issya said seductively.

Mitch replied " That's where we're headed. Follow and we shall lead."

The light changed. Petal to the metal going full speed. Keeping track of the the blue B.M.W. through my rear view mirror. Just making sure the girls keep up. We had about two minutes and one left turn to go . Then mission complete.

The girls pulled up a second after us. It didn't take long before the flirting began. I knew Issya and Shaanique seemed like gold digging cock teasing tramps but hell the streets talked and they were all we needed. Mitch let out a squeaking roar.

"What are you ladies here to see!"

Of course Issya had to reply,

" Whatever you fellas seeing... that's the least we can do since y'all helped us find our way."

Shaanique butted in,

" We just came out for fresh air, we normally don't get a chance to see the hits or date! Indeed, We'd be grateful to join y'all."

Mitch hinted things were okay and I played along. For sure he owed me later but a trick up my sleeve, I had it! I grabbed Shaanique's arm in a sexy manner to pull her closer toward me. Her eyes met mine and she said "

Damn daddy , you strong!"

I noticed from her accent she wasn't from around here. Country mamma! That's why her body frame had that built. She stood about five foot and two inches tall,roughly two hundred and thirty pounds. Thirty of which came directly from her ripe apple bottom.

That booty was just as firm as the rest of her body! She had golden skin that matched her golden eyes and to my surprise the hair that hung pass her neck was one-hundred percent natural. That ish is rare in the hood!

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