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Glass shattered, windows broke, yelling tore down the house. Alone in the darkness, she cried.

She yelled, hands tightly holding the sides of her face hoping to cover up the muffled sounds swimming around in her head.

The girl swerved around just in time to see a limp, lifeless body on the ground and the door open.

There was blood.

The thick crimson liquid pooled all over her feet, thighs and hands as she held her mother's hand. She would never see her again.

It was strange. The girl's mother had fallen away from her life, cold body resting on the girl's lap. Her father, stood at the door with a crazy look on his face as he pointed a gun at the girl, stenching of heavy alcohol. But her eyes were dry. She couldn't cry. She was scared, angry, terrified, but she never cried.

She knew she was already broken. It would be better for her to just die. Everyone should die. Her father should die.

Ding-dong !

Slightly traveling back to reality, the girl blinked. She sat on the floor, lifeless and broken.




Why? Why would someone, at a time like this come to the door? Why.. wearily, not aware of reality anymore the girl dragged herself to the door, unlocking it.

Suddenly the door burst open. A young girl with sandy beige hair and the average features of a tranquil Korean girl, all except for her eyes stood idle at the door. The big, deep brown orbs she had for eyes seemed like they knew everything. You could slip into them and never come out. The girl knew those eyes. Those eyes, most dear to her. Familiarity struck her, and she forgot everything, only to lean forward and give her best friend the biggest hug in the world.

The girl forgot about her house. She forgot about her father, with the gun. She didn't notice the girl with the big eyes' mother, balancing idle behind them.

She didn't see the bullet headed straight for her head.

Ebony flowed from the corner of her vision.

And everything was black.


She woke up in the hospital. White ceiling. Women in white suits. Men in white coats. White beds. White walls. Red on the bed...

The girl sat up. There was a girl beside her. A girl with big beautiful eyes. They weren't big or beautiful anymore. They were swollen and bloodshot from crying. Why was she crying? The girl wanted to confirm her friend. She looked at around at her surroundings. There was a cloth on top of what looked like the shape of a body, lying peacefully on the bed. The girl knew the ebony hair that stuck out from underneath the cloth. She knew it all too well.

The bed was dyed red.

OOF OOF. author-nim heree<3 this is so freaking dark but I like it so far. I have a lot planned out for this story, hope y'all like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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