W 101 VOL.2

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Chapter 1: 

Lethegg sat still in thr rain, not doing anything. at all. Because Lethegg is an egg. and eggs do nothing. at all. Jesse came out of no where and threw the little Lethegg! 

"I will train you!" He cried out to the raining heavens, without his panties.

Chapter 2:

Tano descended from the heavens, her belly still large, even after her children rained down. Kiba was lovestruck! She punched him in the face and he fell back in a bloody puddle. And there he found it, his virginity. "Oh gross no." He slapped his virginity to the side and grabbed the Lethegg and stuffed it in his kitten uterous. "You're my son now!" He laughed. 

Chapter 3: H.Father cried himself to a deep sleep. He lost his wife Maima and his Lethegg all in the same week. H. Father awoke from his deep sleep, five minutes later to the scent of rotting, soggy fried chicken. It was so ransid that Honourable Father PUKED ALL OVER BIG PAPA'S PROSTETIC LEG, and Jesse screamed. Tano used her dark magic powers to summon the Dark Lord Thug Nast. Dark Lord Thug Nast was taking a bath! She grabbed his loofa and placed it in Big PP's leg. "There! All better." She said before the dark lord abducted H.Father to Red Lobster and regain her strength through chedder baked buscuits.

Chapter 4: I don't know what else to put so....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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