Chapter 6

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Thank you to all of my latest fans. I really appreciate each and every single one of you. I might not post on your board to say so but I don't really get a lot of time on the internet as I have a 17 month old son, but I do appreciate everything. You know the drill, Read! Comment! Vote! Fan! Promote! This is dedicated to my latest fan Kittycat2090

Love you all,


Werewolf Coven Chapter 6

Chapter 6

6 months later.

I had been in Glenville for six months and it felt like my life had changed far too drastically. I pulled up to school on my sleek black motorbike and pulled my helmet off. It was winter and the air was crisp though the sun was out and would probably warm up the day fairly soon.

“Morning,” I chirped to Emily as she pulled up beside me in the black Camaro that I used to drive. She adored that car and had taken to driving it ever since I had gotten my motorbike.

“Just another day at school,” she rolled her eyes with a smile.

It was a Friday, the last Friday of second term. School holidays would have officially begun at the end of the day. I reached down; checking that the knife in my boots was still in place and the revolver was safely harnessed around my waist. I wore dark jeans and a loose round neck black top that said trouble underneath the black leather jacket that I wore. Ever since I had been announced a pack protector, I had been exempt from wearing the school uniform though sometimes I still wore it.

I had changed a lot since I had been in Glenville. I was more aware of my surroundings and I was a stronger more confident person. A large part of the change was because of Tyler helping me so much. He had become like a best friend to me along with Emily. I could never imagine my life without my two best friends.

Emily had managed to talk me into changing my style a bit to more fit my persona. I was happy with who I was and I wasn’t scared little Rhylee anymore. I had been training to be a Pack Protector with Tyler and was supposed to receive my first assignment that day. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was beyond excited.

“Think fast,” I heard a low murmur from behind me. There was a whizzing noise through the air. I felt the air move more than I heard or saw it. Quickly I flicked my hand up and caught the knife mid-air as it was soaring towards Emily. Grinning; I turned around with a smirk on my face.

“Now Tyler, I thought I told you to play nice with Emily,” I teased, ruffling his hair as he came to a stop beside me.

“I’m beginning to regret thinking that becoming your trainer would be a good idea,” he said with a cheeky smile.

“You don’t really mean that,” I teased poking my tongue at him.

“Oh but I do,” he shot back.

My fist darted towards his face but he was gone before I could even make an impact. I spun on my heel facing where I knew he would be. A few metres away he stood giving me a smirk that I had grown to love and adore.

“Think fast,” I said smirking before hurtling his knife towards him at lightning speed. I was fast; I was extremely fast but so was Tyler. He caught it easily and put it back down into his boot.

When the day finally came to an end, I practically sprinted to my motorbike and headed back home. Suzanne was in the kitchen when I walked in. I grabbed a banana off of the bench and peeled it, popping a bit into my mouth.

“Where’s dad?” I asked when I had finished my mouthful.

“He’s in his office,” she replied and I started walking away. “Don’t spoil your dinner,” she called after my retreating form.

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