i will start my story on war why do we have to make a war to make others to listen to us? Why make make guns,bombs and other things to kill human? I happen to learn from my religon to care for human but life have make us more greedy and aggravise. we stop caring and just want to live for ourselves. In recent years i saw few wars include IRAQ and AFGHAN war. I try to understand why these wars took place ? Some said SADDAM HUSSIEN had camical weapons which never been found how come you go to war without even know if they got weapons? how come other countries jump in to help war creater without even know what they are fighting for. Today when you look at IRAQ i am sure you dont want to live there. even they people of IRAQ are leaving to safe places but even before they leave their country they have to suffer many problems they leave with the hope of peace and safety. they have to get to rrefugee camps here their reall life start. the stay in a camp in cold in hot in raining and storms and then the have been process has refugee a person had everything house car money now waiting for others to give him food the person had lot of dream about his family now his family not even with him they may be killed to lost in war dust. I am try to write the pain people go thourgh for other's wishs. i will try to put my self in a refugee shoes and try to see what life have become. I had a family with three kids i worked hard everyday to provide the best for my family so times i slept less hours so i can do more work so i can make more money for my family. Some times skip lunch or dinner to save the money to bring toys for my kids the kids start growingup they start school they need more things then before mean i got to work more harder life continue without a complain then someone decide they are go to war with my home land the land have protact me when i need it give me when i needed help me when i need help. Why i dont stand up to save my home land even animal fight for their land or their area. now war have started bomb are falling on houses . houses where peolple are asleep , studying watching or praying. Next hour or so you start hearing thousands of people have been killed you are afaried if next is you to die or your kids no no i will not let some to kill my kids i get all my family together take the needful things and start walking to nowhere with a wish that i get disapper some where i can save my family and life without fear . some one told me to head to other country but other country thousand mills away but i cant stop i will reach there has soon as i can i try everything and make sure i leave war country and look for peace. I reached to border you see thousand people are waiting there before you you also wait sit down on ground and look at sky planes passing and thro bomb you feel to finis them all at once so you dont have to leave your home. finally you hear they will open the border what a relife they have place some camps to let us stay there