Colin meets Hugh

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Colin's POV:

So, it's the first day of filming for a new film I'm being starred in, Bridget Jones's Diary.

I'm slightly nervous to properly meet the cast, especially Hugh, we need to get along for the film to flow properly, and he seems like such a big character. Also I just hope there's no kissing scenes on the first week of shooting, it's only then which would be awkward for Renee and I ; seeing as we have only briefly met in the past.

I drive to the address making sure to arrive on set early to properly introduce myself, good impressions count. I've learnt that... anyways before I ramble on, I walk into the building and spot Hugh standing waiting on the side by the door. I smile and say

'Nice to meet you finally Hugh' and he replied 'The same to you Colin, or should I say Darcy?'

Wow I thought to myself, I wouldn't have thought he had read the script on the first day as well as me. Hmm impressive....

I laugh and reply with a smirk 'Don't you start Cleaver!' and before we could talk anymore, our director came in, telling us which scenes we were to shoot and the way to our outfits. I was told to wear a Christmas Jumper. Great. And Hugh burst out laughing when he saw me, mumbling 'mm suits you' and we try to conceal our laughter as Renee appears.

Hugh's POV:

I hope I'm not coming across as too much of a 'big character' my main aim for this film is to act professionally, and make genuine friends with the cast. Especially Colin, I mean who doesn't want to be BFF's with the star of BBC's Pride and Prejudice. Nah I'm taking the piss, but I do look up to the guy (literally, seeing as he is 6,2).

All three of us meet the rest of the cast in our lunch break, I go over and approach Colin with a biscuit and say 'Are you more of a bourbon guy? Or digestive? ' He replies 'You know what I'll take the bourbon' And I smirk saying 'You see I had you pegged as a digestive' and Renee shoves him, knocking the biscuit out of his hand and onto the floor, and we all uncontrollably laugh. 

Colin's POV:

I get up saying 'That's it, I'm out, going off to join some porn star company, anything' better than these two' And hoping this would get a reaction out of Hugh I turn around smiling, just catching his eye. And quite unpredictably he doesn't play along, he just stops and looks at the ground and says with a half-hearted giggle, 'Right then, we better get back to work' and before I can ask him what was wrong he walks out the room, and I think I see him blush.

Hugh's POV:

I'm not quite sure what came over me, when Colin turned and smiled at me just then, I felt star struck, but it wasn't that. I was ashamed to think what I thought because I'm straight, I mean of course I am. I just had this thought pop into my brain which was screaming 'Damn, he's cute' 


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