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"Why are u laughing bro?" Soal Mateen apabila dari tadi melihat wajah Jaafar masih tertawa kecil.
"What so funny? are you laughing at me?" 

"Bro. Why are you so rush and direct. I never seen u like this before. Dah tak sabar sangat kenapa. Gelojoh." Balas Jaafar membuat aku malu. But yup. What he say is true.

"I dont know what im doing bro. All the words come out from nowhere. I cant control myself. This is what i try to explain to you. Kind of scary actually but i cant stop. I really looking forward for tonight."

Yes. Im going to meet her tonight. Hope she wont cancel it. Still thinking where to take her. Should i fetch her at her place or just meet her at the restaurant.

Argghh... why so hard. Its just a dinner. I want to know her better. Thats all.
Hurm... as a gentleman. Aku patut jemput die di rumah and hanta die balik and make sure she safely arrived home.
Ok but where to eat. Looks like she love steak. Maybe boleh pegi ke Mandarin Grill at Mandarin Oriental hotel. Privacy sikit.
Aku akan call die nanti.

"U look excited bout tonight Mateen. Berkerut2 dahi tu. Banyak fikir ke? Or still thinking of her. She so cool even u ask her very silly questions." Jaafar masih lagi merenung ku.

"She's funny la bro. Its feels so comfortable talking to her. Entah la.. i dont know what to say. Too early to say i like her and i dont know what to expect from the dinner. Just follow the flow and see where it goes la kan."
Harap Jaafar faham apa yang ingin ku sampai kan.
Die masih lagi tersengih2. Adoiii... ape la dlm kepale hotaknye tu. Silap2 my silly act dah sampai ke pengetahuan the troops. The boys mesti ketawa kan aku. Hurm... what have i done. Why did i act the way i did. Why suddenly im so silly. Balasan apakah ini.

Rosa. There's something about her personality that caught my attention. 
She so relax when we have a conversation. She is so spontaneous.
She so sweet. Tak control kalau nak melawak or gelak. Its like her showing off her true colour.

Im gonna call her.

Why am i still thinking about her la. Oh lord. Why. I think i need help


Tiba2 telephone aku berbunyi. Hurm... sape pulak ni.
Tertera nombor yang tak ku kenali. Panjang nye no. Outstation ke. Must be client. But why client call aku not the sales people.

"Hello Rosa"
tu dia. Berderau darah aku naik sampai ke muka... jantung baru nak berdengup tenang kembali kelam kabut. Aku rase aku tau siapa tuan punya suara.
"Hello.. hello."
sapa nya lagi setelah aku terdiam sebentar.
"Err... hi"
jawab ku gagap.
"Hi Rosa. Its me.. Mateen. Just wanna update you about tonight. I pick u up at your place yee"
tanpa pembuka kate. Stright to the point.
"Owh. Hi Prince. U nak pick me up at my place. Mana u tau rumah i?"
"I hired private investigator to stalk u."
Gile ke hape mahkluk elok ni.
"Hey. Im joking la.. thats why la i call so u can sent me your place location so senang i nak cari."
"Cari apa?"
Seriously aku jd banggang. Otak tak berfungsi. Maybe darah aku terlalu laju naik atas kepala.
"Cari rumah u la. Cari apa lagi." Jawabnya sambil ketawa kecil. Wehhh.... that laugh... boleh mati.

"Owh ya... hahaha... sorry i x focus. Ok2. So i will save your number. Nanti i hanta location. Tapi kan prince..  tak payah susah2 la... i boleh drive sendiri. You just bagi tau u nak jumpa i kat mane."
Aku tak selesa nak bagi someone yang aku baru kenal location rumah ku. Ermm... but rosa.. he not an ordinary someone. Arrghh... penin.

"No. Tak boleh. I cant let you drive tonight. Tak elok la kan coz i yang ajak u keluar lepas tu i nak susah kan u pulak."
Jawab nye... alahai.. gentleman nye...cair aku.
"Tak susah la... ape yang susah nya"
"No Rosa Alena ... let me pick u up. Please."
Perrghhh.... siap name penuh... siap please... confirm la boleh.. apa saja for u. Hahaha.

"Ok la kalau macam tu. U nak datang pukul berapa so i can be ready. Tak de la nanti u tunggu lama."
Aku mengalah wehhh.... hopelessly mengalah.
"I'll come at 8. Is it ok. Is it enough time for u to get ready?"
Tanya nya penuh toleransi. Gosh... nak tunggu aku ready... mmg sampai bila pun tak ready.

"Ok. Just nice. Sempat rasenya i ready. By the way.. where are we going. I tak nak la over dressed pulak nanti." Tanya ku.
"Just wear whatever u want. Kite pegi Mandarin Grill at MO. Is that place ok with you."
Ok prince oii... u nak bawak i pegi bulan pun i ok.

"Ok. Ok sangat. Takde yang tak ok" jawabku sambil tersenyum sendiri.
"Hahaha... you're so funny Rosa. Great. So i see u at 8 tonight. Save my number and dont forget to send me the location."
Die remind kan aku.
"Sure. I will save your number in my heart. Hahahahah. "
seloroh ku. Kedengaran tawanya die sebelah sana. Amboi... gelak pun bunyi macho.

"Good. Save my number in your heart and send me a map how to reach there ok."
"Reach where?" Bodoh ku datang lagi.
"To reach your heart"
Handphone yang elok ku tekap di telinga terlepas jatuh atas meje. Damn. Lemah terus tangan aku.
Laju ku kutip. Ya Allah. Apa la sangka nya bile dengar bunyi kelepuk phone jatuh.

"Hello... Rosa..."
"Yes.. im here"
"Are u ok"
No prince. Im not.
"Yes. Im fine."
"Bunyi apa tu?"
"Owh... fail i jatuh..."

Arrgghh... ape la fail jatuh bunyi macam tu. Tapi tu je jawapan yang sempat aku fikir bila di tanya.

"Fail jatuh? Owh... ok2. U busy ye..?" Soal nye lagi. Bunyi macam tak percaya. Macam tau je aku menipu.
"Tak la busy sangat. I always have time for my future investor."
Jawab ku. Kene jaga baik mahkluk elok ni. Kalau die invest. Aku raya sakan.

"Owh.. u layan i ni because u see me as your future investor la yee. Sebab tu ke u sudi keluar dinner with me?" Ya Allah banyak nye la soalan die ni. Nasib baik kau tu mahkluk elok. Kalau tak. Malas aku nak layan.

"No la. Ermm... well to be honest yess but still i memang suka berkawan. So i got a chance to be friend with u. Why not kan."
Jawab ku jujur. Harap die faham maksudku.
"Ookeeyyy.... i paham. I accept it. Thank you for being honest with me Rosa. I belive honesty is very important in every relationship." Hujahnya.

Huh... relationship. Wwoooo....bro.. rilek... dont make me syok sendiri.

"I pun fikir macam tu jugak. I hope u dont mind."
Terus terang ku.
"Of course i dont mind Rosa."
Akui nya.
Aku lega. Well at least i know dia boleh dibawa berbincang.

"Rosa... "
Everytime die sebut name aku.. tiap kali tu juga jantung aku berhenti. Kalau selalu sangat boleh mati macam ni.

"Yes prince." Jawabku
"Boleh tak u call me Mateen."
Pintanya yang buat aku rase semakin nak pitam.

"Why?. I rase tak appropriate to call u Mateen."
Jujur. Itu yang aku rasa.
"We going to be friends kan. So all my friends call me Mateen. Lebih mesra pangillan tu."
"Owh... i cuba yee. But i cant promise. Heheh"
"Susah sangat ke?"
Kata nya sambil ketawa.
"Agak susah jugak la."
Jawabku pantas.
"I didnt ask u to call me sayang. Just nama i. Mateen. Macam i cakap tadi. U are my friend kan."

Okey. Sayang??? Officially.... aku lost. Speechless. Nak jawab apa ni.

"Ok2. Mateen it is. I will call u Mateen" jawabku sambil cuba untuk bernafas.
"Mateen. I guess i see u tonight okey. Got to go now. Need to attend briefing with my staff."

Aku memberi alasan untuk memgakiri perbualan kami. Lagi lame aku on the phone dengan dia. Lagi teruk aku angau nanti.

"Okey see you tonight. Bye rosa."
"Bye dear prince. Ehh... Mateen. Hehe"
Aku akhiri perbualan kami.

Ya Allah. Semua ni berlaku dalam masa separuh hari ke? Aku tak mulakan kerja lagi untuk hari ini. Fikiran aku melayang. Aku senyum sendiri.

Well... i got his personal number!!! Hahahaha.... aku ketawa seperti penjahat cerita pahlawan cina yang misinya berhasil.

Well done Rosa. Kau masih hidup lagi walaupun seketika tadi jantung ku berhenti untuk beberapa kali.

Aku mengerling ke arah jam di tangan. Sudah pukul 4 petang. Masa betul2 mencemburui aku. Lagi 4 jam.. aku bakal bersemuka lagi dengan mahkluk elok tu.
Ape nak pakai malam ni.... omg. Mati la...

"Lisaaa........ i need you now"

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