28 Ways to get Kicked out of Mcdonalds

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I  Just wanna say that I DID NOT WRITE THIS! story I found it on google and thought you would like it!!!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -     Hope you like it!!!

1. Walk in wearing a Burger King hat. *Better when friends are doing it too*

2. Stand by the door and whenever someone walks in say, "This isn't Burger King, so you can't have it your way."

3. Ask to rent a burger.

4. Ask if you get to keep the bag. When they say "yes," start crying tears of joy and call everyone you know to tell them the news.

5. Order just one fry.

6. Hand the person at the window a box of pizza and say something like "That will be $8.95."

7. Ask if the burger's had it's shots.

8. Tell the person that the voices in your head are making you do bad things. Then take a lighter out, but don't turn it on.

9. Wear a detective suit. Give the person at the window a briefcase, then drive off.

10. Slap the manager because he didn't give you a Happy Meal with "Extra Happy."

11. Pretend the grill is your couch. Get a pillow and sit on it.

12. Get behind the cash register and act like GIR.

13. Take out your wand or sword and challenge the manager to a duel.

14. Make sure the food's dead...

15. Go in dressed as Voldemort or Darth Vader.

16. Stand on the counter and sing "Dirt Made My lunch" *a song I learned at camp* at the top of your lungs.

17. Bring Invader ZIM with you.

18. Convince Kronos that it's Mount Olympus.

20. Tell him Percy's the cashier.

21. Use the order box as a kerroke machine. *bring friends for this too.*

22. At the order box, tell them you're having problems with your car and ask if they can take a look at it.

23. Say "Mc" before every word you say.

24. Whine that your Happy Meal was miserable and ask for a refund.

25. Pretend you're filming a car chase scene at the drive thru.

26. Order in a made up language.

27. When they say, "May I help you?" tell them your problems and cry.

28. Ask if your meal comes with a lifetime gaurentee

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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