Chapter I: The Big Day

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off, I jump up right away knowing today was going to be the greatest day/ the biggest day of my career. Getting up I banged my head on my bed frame, I can already feel the throbbing pain tickle its way to my head. As I ache in pain I finally put my two feet on the ground and start to walk to the freezer. I take some frozen green beans that I never care to eat and stick it on my head. I mostly just use them for my clumsy falls or bumps. As much as I am not a morning person I just repeat the same words in my head "today is a big day, today is a big day." I turned on my phone, realizing it is 6:00 am, and that I need to go to work soon. This was my first big job, that might open a door for my career.

    I run to my room, scattering clothes from my closet. One shirt after another flies, I think to myself "casual but not too casual." I finally decide on a casual white flower dress the reaches mid-thigh, with rose patterns, which matches with a nice long sleeve black cardigan. I check my phone for any snapchat notifications while checking them I get a text from my boss.

Ryan: Hey make sure to be on set in 30.

Finley: Will do, I'll be there in 20.

    I run to the elevator of my apartment, I step inside and push the one button. I run outside and breathe the fresh air of Hollywood and its overpriced apartments. I flag a taxi and ride over to the set, ready to start a new chapter of my life. I am starting a new TV series, It got everything I love to do, singing, acting, and a little bit of dancing. Nothing I can't refuse, and or pass up. Life has been going to shit, but I think this is the broom sweeping up all the debris of my failed attempts as an actress.

    I make it onto set everyone already in their attire, I look down and realize I am 10 minutes late.

    I hear my boss call out to me. "Hi, Mrs.Finely where have you been everyone is already in wardrobe and getting make-up down." I sighed realizing I don't have an excuse for being late.

    "Sorry Ryan, won't happen again." I run to my changing room, squealing in delight once I see my outfit I have to wear. I slip into my attire and rush to make-up before I get yelled at. I look over to my other cast mates, knowing some from mutual friends, and because some are stars. I see a lot of known stars from Broadway, like Lea Michele. I wave to them being my bubbly self, and they waved back. I know this is going to be the best experience of my life.

    Once my make-up is down I head over to our set that has been made. I could tell people really work hard in these rooms. I read the script up and down left to right, I know all my lines and I am very emotional so I really can act. I play Alice in the show, she seems to be a lot like me yet she is very outgoing and loves talking to people, I am very shy most of the time.

    I seem to be starting in 2 minutes into the first episode, I take my place ready to sign up for glee club, right in the hallway. I sigh and breathe readily to put on my acting face and to not mess up. Just like it said in the script I did in that scene.

    "Hi I am Alice Peter, I was born and raised in Ohio. I love to sing, and I don't really show it off more, I am the type to sing in a shower. I am really into retro music, 80's and 90's rock and pop sometimes rap. I want to see myself go on to my full potential, and I think being here can help me do so. I'll be singing Genie in a bottle, by Christina Aguilera."

    After I lip sync the recording I did a couple of days ago, I knew this was just going to get better. I smile, once hearing we got a lunch break I ran to the food they were serving. The biggest thing I love more than puppies is food, someone can offer me a million dollars for my food I would say no. While I am running to the food, I bump into one of my costars. Me being shy and awkward... I start to blush, knowing I made a fool out of myself.

    "I am sorry, I just really am hungry." I shyly look down at my shoes, didn't even look up to see who it was.

    "Hey, it's okay. Finley, right that's your name. We met at the script reading, you're the shy one. It's Cory by the way if you didn't remember." I finally look up, realizing it is Cory and I smiled a bit.

    "You remembered me I know I am shy, just a new place and new people." I awkwardly put out my hand for him to shake it. Once he gets my gesture he signals back and puts out his hand.

    "Want to grab lunch together, we can run over lines and scenes that we are in together." I smile and nod my head. I grab a plate from the beginning of the food table and start piling up the goods. He follows what I do, grabbing as much junk food as our stomachs desire. I grab a fork, and a water bottle and sit at a table where no one was. He sits on the other end, he starts to take little bites of his food.

    "So what brings you here, Hollywood?" He asks, as I munch down on some chicken. I wipe my hands and face and swallow the goodness.

    "Hollywood brought me here, I didn't bring myself to Hollywood. What about you?" I laugh a little at my comment when I know its true.

    "Ahh, I like the cockiness, you might be shy but your probably a devil. Hollywood was just where I needed to be, I am actually from Canada. Before you say anything, yes its cold there." I giggle a little bit about what he had to say.

    "Wow like I didn't know it was cold there. So you can sing, anything else you can do?" I question

    "Actually, I can play the drums and sing, now whats your superpower?" I glare up at him, just trying to think of what else I can do.

    "Well I can dance, I can also carry a plate at once without glass shattering." He laughs.

    "I actually can't dance for my life, and can't everyone carry a plate without it shattering?" I know what I said before was dumb but its true.

    "I am a very clumsy person if you really want to know. Also, I need to see some moves later." That might have come out weird.

    "Trust me it isn't going to be pretty." I giggled a little at his comment.

    The intercom on set turned on with a loud noise, 'We will be back on set in 10, we will be back on set in 10.' I smiled at the man across from me, and he smiled back.

    "Well, I guess its time to go back to work," I let out. I get up to throw out my trash, and the young man follows.

    "I'll see you on set, nice meeting you," he smiled a little.

    "Nice meeting you too." I wave goodbye and headed back onto set. Maybe not everyone in Hollywood is as cruel and horrible as I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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