Chapter 2 - Lovely Encounter

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Hanna POV

Our freshman year went neat and quiet but not too long because of one person "Nick" my cousin ,our senior too . Nick is a boy who gets the center of attraction everywhere he goes. Any girl would go crazy about him. The only law he follows is" To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" because I have seen a girl who follows him got her face bathed with her own self-made cake by this jerk.

The only place where he is always seen is library, don't think he is a diplomat he loves silence, utter silence. I always wonder what thing is running in his mind to be like this. He always used to give death scare to those who disturb or irritate him. My love, candy is no exception. This jerk got his look on her not in a good way. It all started when my parents made Nick to pick me up from college at evening. Actually that day I and Candy planned to go for shopping so we didn't took the college bus. Because of my sudden plan our shopping got cancelled and Candy had to go home alone. I told her that I will drop her home and then go to the party. But she refused. I forced her and took her with me. I saw Nick waiting at the parking lot and he waved at me. I smiled and walked towards him with Candy.

He gave me a questioned look like "Why she is coming along with me". I told him, she missed the college bus because of me and it is my responsibility to drop her home.

He gave me a serious look and said "Okay...Get in...".Thank God, I didn't expect Nick would say okay that easily. Nick drove us, Yeah! Together with my friend candy. It's the first day both of them have met.

Unlike this jerk Candy is a chatterbox. The ride was like journey to hell, of not knowing when this jerk will explode. The look on his eyes was furious to every word Candy spoke. But I could not control Candy who is flying on the cloud with her stories from last vacation. She didn't notice the very angry nick who lost all his patience. To my good, the ride ended shortly because we reached Candy's place, so we dropped her off.

"Who the hell is she? "Shouted the angry Nick.

I expected this.

"My friend" I replied.

"Friend" he gave me a grin.

Candy POV

Today Hanny is on leave for college so I am very much annoyed to go college alone. Thankfully morning classes were interesting so I'm not bored. During break, I and Andy were chatting; our class girls started screaming when someone entered our class.

I tried to see that person but failed. All I could see was our girls surrounding that person. Misty and her gang cleared the crowd and to my surprise it was none other than NICK.

Misty went to talk to him but he didn't reply and searching for someone and his eyes met mine. I'm shocked to see him staring at me. He signed at someone behind me to come out. I turned around to see who it was; but got none. He kept staring at me so I asked him doubtfully; whether it is me he calling and he nodded.

Now every eye in the class was focused on me. I had no other option than to go with him. I saw Misty and her gang are fuming in anger. By seeing her fuming, smile spread in my lips.

I walked out with confusing thoughts. Yesterday only I came to know this guy through Hanny, but in the morning Andy told me big stories about this nick guy when I mentioned his name. Like, he is every girl's prince charming type. May be Hanny sent him to tell something to me; I having various thoughts.

I walked behind him; literally I'm running behind because he got long legs which made long strides. I don't know why this guy is walking very fast. Suddenly I bumped into something hard and lost my balance. When I was about to fall I closed my eyes in fear, but someone saved me. When I opened my eyes I saw Nick: who is holding my waist around his arm and holding my right hand with his other hand.

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