Rendzvous with myself.

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As I kept waiting for him, I realized we'll never be together again. Although, 3 months later, I texted him on instagram and we started chatting like normal people. I was overjoyed when he started flirting. We talked for 3 days. On the fourth day, he revealed that it wasn't him chatting with me all this time, it was Megan. And that he was dating her. I was sturck by shock and horror. The trust, that once existed, was completely torn into pieces.

After that incident, I don't think about him anymore, at least I try to. I don't even feel feelings of love or hatred towards him. It's completely blank, albeit I'm a little angry at him. But, no feelings of love or infatuation. I've moved on.

Today, as I blocked him, I started going through the past conversations, our first conversations. And, reading them, I knew where I'd been wrong. Now as the clock ticked, I desperately wish if I could go back in time and live those moments the right way. Not for the sake of having him back, but for enjoying those moments the way I could have .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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