Please don't cut

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WARNING: There is cutting and bulling in this story.

Today was shit. It sucked. It was horrible. I hated it. I couldn't concentrate on my test first period with all the chair kicking and hair pulling coming from behind me. Second period somebody tripped me during gym and I skinned my knees. Third period my chair was pulled out from under me and everyone laughed. During lunch I had apple bits flung at me, and my lunch stolen. Fifth period was a presentation that nobody payed any attention to, until it was over and they could ask off the wall questions I didn't have the answers for. Sixth period was a pop quiz that I wasn't ready for. Seventh period I got my shades flicked off and the name calling picked up again. I was hoping demon was a thing of the past. I got slammed against a locker on my way out and somehow got suspended for that. All that was left was a strife with Bro.

But when I got home he was in plain sight. I didn't waist anytime flashing to my room. I couldn't take anymore. Not tonight. "Dave?"

"Go away Bro." I mumbled without lifting my face out of the pillows I fell on. He went away. I didn't want to strife, but I didn't really want him to leave. I wanted him to come in and tell me everything's going to be alright, that I don't have to feel the way I do. But I know he won't. That's not like him at all. Of course he wants me to be ok, but he doesn't expect me to be so weak. He'd hate me if he knew, so I had to resort to something he'd hate me even more for.

I push myself out of bed and toward my dresser where I hide a knife. I don't cut often, just when it's really bad. Today's one of those days where it's really bad. I press the blade into my palm. This is weak, I shouldn't do this. But what else am I supposed to do. I press hard and drag the knife over my hand. The blood wells up to the surface and runs down my wrist. I cut another line right next to it. I set the knife back in the dresser and grab a towel. I need to stop the blood from getting on anything or Bro might ask questions. By the time the blood stops coming I'm too tired to do anything. I'll just stay in my room the whole weekend, and Monday since I'm suspended.


I have to piss. That's the only reason I'm leaving my room. I open the door and step out. I don't see Bro so he might still be asleep. I flash step to the bathroom, do my thing, and head back to my room. I'm not even half way there when I feel a sword being tossed my way. I don't catch it. I flash to my room and slam the door. "Dave?"

"Bro, I'm not going to strife. I don't feel well, just leave me alone."

"You never told me you didn't feel well Dave."

"Like you would care." That had a bit more bite than I meant it too, but I don't want to strife.

"I do care." It was a whisper. He had replied so quietly I wasn't sure if I actually heard him. I wanted to apologize now, but I couldn't. I didn't want to feel bad for him when he was probably lying to me. He was my guardian, he's supposed to say things like that. "Dave, why don't you come out and hang with me on the futon?" That use to get me running, but I stopped wanting to hang out with my cool older brother a few years ago.

"I'm not a little kid Bro."

"I'm not calling-"

"You belittle me until I start to complain, then you try to apologize by letting me spend time with you. Your not that important Bro, and I'm not that stupid." There was silence for a few seconds before I heard something slam into the wall. It was probably his fist. He had to put a hole in the wall, because I could feel the force from my bed. I curled up under the sheets and closed my eyes. He could be mad all he wants, I'm not that afraid of him. All he could do was hurt me physically, there's no way he could hurt me emotionally with all I deal with.

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