Chapter One: Discovery

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I woke up that day thinking it would be normal, well normal for me. Dang I was wrong. I slept in as usual when suddenly I hear Allura yell in her beautiful british accent "PALADINS WAKE UP, ITS MAGELIX" I fell out of bed because of the sudden loud voice. I was so tired I misheard her. Magic pancakes was all I heard. I was so hungry . I quickly slipped on my fabulous blue lion slippers and ran to the command room , my slippers making a flopping noise as I walked. I slid through the entrance in my normal dramatic fashion to make sure I had everyone's attention. "Pancakes?!" I said eagerly and sleepy. Everyone looked at me, "Pancakes, what are those? No, Lance I said Magelix." Allura claimed. "Huh? " I questioned , deeply confused. She sighed "It's an Altean holiday where we celebrate alchemy, magic, and all their wonders" she described almost as excited as I was for those magic pancakes. Allura was quite eager to talk about this Altean festival or whatever it was. Obviously, being from Earth, I had no idea what she was talking about so I tried my best to listen. I quickly found myself getting distracted by Keith. I was so worried for him. He had recently told me about what happened after we face the gravitational bomb mission. HE ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF. I was worried his depression was taking a greater hold on him. I couldn't let my rival do that before I beat him in something. I tried talking him into coming back to the team but he refused. He said he was discovering himself with them or whatever but we were his family, we needed him more then the Blade did. "Wow, That's so cool Princess" Pidge intervened. She snapped me out of my thoughts, luckily. "And I want you paladins to join in the festivities, so you could learn more about my culture and others like it. You need to be good ambassadors if we are going to form a full Coalition. " Normally I'd be willing to do anything Allura says but today I really wanted to finish the boss level of a new game I got. Well she was the princess , she was kind of in charge of us when Shiro isn't around. He has been gone a lot , which I find quite suspiscious. "Now go get ready, " Allura said giving us a shooing gesture.

I walked to my room and changed into my normal blue baseball tee, green jacket, jeans, and sneakers. I wished I had time to do my normal skin care routine but Allura was obviously very excited to share this with us. "C'mon Lance, we're going to the training room" Hunk advised as he walked past my room with Pidge running by as well. "Wait up guys" I said as I raced to catch up with them. Finally , I reached the training room. I walked in on Hunk and Pidge gathered around a table with some manequinns beside it. The table was full of different foods , artifacts, and scrolls. The manequinns displayed what I guessed were traditional Altean clothes, from what I've seen of Allura's wardrobe. Allura went on and expaine the importance of each object and food. I was confused by a lot of it, but from what I heard; Altea was a alchemy and magic based society that clelbrated their highest point of magic with a three day festival known as Magelix. Today was the first day of this festival. Supposedly today was the absolute height of all Altean's magic. It was quite intersting but I was still so hungry, I kept getting distracted by the food. "You must be starving Paladins, its nearly what you call lunch." Allura interluded. I was relieved I could finally eat. As I walked to the food I past many Altean objects picking up one of two. They seemed oddly familiar to the touch. "Lance , food " Pidge called. I observed these new substances that I had never seen or tasted before. They looked like your typical alien food, but one dish looked familiar "SPACE PANCAKES DO EXIST!" I yelled, expressing my surprise as I took the dish and ate it happily. After eating and discussing where Shiro might be, we went back to reviewing Magelix and it's customs. I tried to pay attention but it was so hard for me to focus today, I don't know why though. After Allura finally finished I went back to my room to take a nap. I needed to think some personal things over.

All I could think about was Keith. I truly hoped he was doing ok, with his pretty purple eyes and his adorable mullet. Wait what did I just think? Nonononononono I like Allura, right? I didn't like guys. I was straight, right? I wasn't ready for self - discovery any time soon. Depression and anxiety took up a mass of my emotions and thoughts at that moment. Did this team truly value me? Am I needed here? Does anyone in this team truly care about me? With all these thoughts and more running through my brain, I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to get up and take a walk around the castle, puposely avoiding everyone else.

I tried distracting myself with the castle. I'd never really closely examined it even though I've lived here for a while now. The architecture, the style, it felt familiar to me like the artifacts earlier. Altean stuff is wierd. I just let my body wander, walking the pathways of the castle with no precise destination. I eventually found myself in the lion hanger. I've seen these massive hunks of metal a million times . They granted me a stable familiarity, but even these amazing lions changed, and those who piloted them. I missed being Blue's paladin. Don't get me wrong I loved piloting Red, but there was a very intense life that came with piloting her. At least now I feel a little bit more valued. Blue and I had a connection though, at least I thought we did. She was easier to pilot and much less intense. "Wait..." I thought, " maybe I could try to pilot Blue, or at least sit in her cockpit, for old times sake" I looked around then ran to Blue. Thank Voltron her shield was down. I didn't think about it in the moment but, why was her sheild down? I hopped into the cockpit, remembering the rush of energy I experienced the first time I saw her. I put my hands on her controls, closing my eyes and pretending it was the first day I piloted her. Suddenly Blue activated, which I was not expecting. I opened my eyes in surprise seeing a brighter than usual blue glow coming from the control screen and floor of Blue. My eyes widened as I felt a sudden change inside me, that is kinda hard to describe. It was somewhere between a flipped switch inside me and a weight lifted off my shoulders. I saw little pixie-like lights float around me then suddenly, it all stopped. Blue shut down, leaving me in the dark. "This was a waste of time" I thought as I got out of Blue. I walked to my room suddenly exhausted for a reason I was not sure of. I collapsed on my bed.

"Aaaaaa one of the few of our kind left." a raspy male voice said from out of view. I was in a dark room with a blue ethreal glow coming from all around me. "Wh-Who are you?" I asked in confusion. "You'll see soon my child" the voice responded. "Im so confused?!"

I woke up peacefully the next day, stretched then got up. As I walked to the mini bathroom in the corner of my room to start my daily much required face routine, I noticed something. Something was off. I looked on the mirror for a good while trying to distinguish what it was. My cheeks?! My hair?! I had glowing blue altean markings under my eyes, my hair was turning lighter , it was turning white in front. Wait I'M ALTEAN?!??!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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