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Miracle's POV 

Waking up in the middle of the night was not something I had in mind. I like sleeping without having to wake up Thank you very much. Yet why in the world am I up with sweat on me at 3 am in the morning?

That bloody dream.

I've always had it ever since he left. I want to forget about him, so much so that I've moved to a new place far away from home yet he comes haunting me in my dreams every damn night.

My life has never been a pretty one up till now. My past is covered with scars and secrets. I never had that special childhood filled with butterflies and rainbows.

Not that I would ever get away from the darkness inside me. I never expected that I would live in a bright filled world. Mine was just too dark for any light to shine through.

There was definitely no point in sleeping now. He will still come back. Might as well stay awake so that I will not have to face him. I dragged myself to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Since I was going to start at a new school, I went through my textbooks to pass my time. It doesn't mean just because my life is filled with misery that it holds me back from wanting to get a good education.

Going to a new school halfway through the semester is definitely going to start up some rumours. However, after what I've been through my whole life, this was only going to be a walk in the park.

Truth be told, I planned to stay under the radar and not get noticed. Graduate from high school and head to college, without having any interactions with anyone. It was best to not have anyone know about me. If I had the power to become invisible to the world I would have taken that chance without a moment's hesitation.

Without realising, rays of sunlight begin to stream into my room. My thoughts have occupied me once again. I kept thinking for so long and ended up not having read a single page of my textbook. Sighing, I close the book and got ready for my first day.

As I rummaged through the closet, I picked a sweater and matched it with a pair of shorts. It was almost 40 degrees out, yet I chose to wear a sweater. People might think I'm crazy but I have my own reasons and not in a million years will I ever tell anyone. This pain is mine and mine alone, I have to endure it for the rest of my life. There is no other choice.

After getting changed, I made breakfast. I couldn't afford a nice big healthy breakfast at the moment, only bread and eggs. I ate it every day but to me, it was the best thing that I have ever tasted. As I chewed, I relished in the new - found freedom that I have acquired over the past few months. Leaving home was the right decision that I had to make if I wanted to survive in this world. Glancing at the time, I stuffed the last piece of bread in my mouth and headed for the door.

"Ugh... My neck is incredibly stiff," I groaned to myself as I alighted the bus. Falling asleep in a bus was not as comfortable as I thought it would be. He ended up appearing and I had to add a strain neck into the mix. 'This is shaping up to be a great first day', I thought as I wiped the sweat of my forehead and walked the rest of the way to school.

I don't get it! I've walked past the library for at least four times now. Where in the world am I? I am freaking lost! Huffing out in anger, I took a different turn, looking out for any signs of direction that would direct me to the admission's office.

After another 15 mins of wandering, I finally come upon a door that says 'Admissions Office'

"Nice to meet you. You must be Ms White. I am the administrator here, Ms Lily." A short middle - aged woman appeared behind her desk as soon as I walked in. I was barely able to see her let alone shake the hand she offered me.

"Good Morning. Yes, I am Miracle White. I was hoping I would be able to collect my timetable for class and a map of the school here?" I politely asked her.

"These will be handed to you by the principal. He is busy speaking with someone else at the moment. You can have a seat first and I will call you when the principal is done." I nodded and took a seat on one of the chairs beside the door to the Principal's office.

"Do you know just how much trouble you are in? My reputation as the principal is going down the toilet because of your ridiculous nonsense! This rate, I really will have to expel you!"

I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the voices were so loud that it echo across the whole office. I wonder who was getting scolded so badly, the student must have done something incredibly stupid to get an expulsion threat. Not that it sounds like the student cares. As the voices kept fighting back and forth, my eyelids began to feel heavy. Seems like sleep has caught up with me yet again, I let out a small yawn and closed my eyes.

"You will never ever be free. You will never escape me. You will always be with me, whether you like it or not. I will be right there by your side, haunting you, following you. You never had a chance ever since you were born."

I am surrounded by darkness and it is only his voice that fills the empty space. His words tear at my heart but I will never show signs of weakness to him or anyone. I stand there alone in the dark. I don't run. I don't hide. What is the point? There is no place to go. He will find me wherever I am as he has said to me numerous of times.

His voice swirls in my head. The darkness consumes me and drains me of my energy. My heart is shaking, its shattering. I have to do something. I cannot let him win. My hands find a way to my head and I cradle myself like a new - born baby. I will be fine, I will be fine. I repeat to myself over and over.

"Do not mock me, I have a hold over you. No one will save you. Do you hear me? No one will come -"

"Wake up!" a voice shakes me awake. I pry my eyes open and am faced with a pair of black eyes staring down at me.

"Fucking finally got your attention. Now get your hands off of me," the voice continues to growl. I feel my hands being harshly pried off from the soft fabric that I have been clutching tightly. I blink my eyes twice, confused with my surroundings when it dawns on me. I was waiting to speak with the principal and I fell asleep. Before I could say anything, he stood up and walked away with a 'tsk'.

"What a jerk. He could have just lightly wake me up and did he have to do so with such attitude?" I mumbled.

"Ms White. The principal will see you now." Ms Lily calls from her seat. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and got ready to speak with the principal.

"Welcome Ms White, to Summit High. I am the principal, Mr Black. I aplogise for the wait. I hope it was not difficult to find the Admissions Office." He offers me his hand to shake.

"I was lost at the start but it was no trouble finding the office. I didn't have to wait long either, better yet I was able to catch up on my sleep." I laugh as I politely shook his hand. Mr Black gives me a smile and motions me to have a seat.

"Since this is your first time here, I have asked a student to show you around the school. She is from your class and I do hope you have a great time while you are here. Here is a map of the school and this is your timetable."

I would have rather find my way on my own without anyone with me but the principal went out of his way to find a student to help me get settled here I couldn't possibly reject his offer right now. I gave him a forced smile and thanked him for the help.

At that moment, the door opens revealing a girl. Noticing me standing there, she gives me a smile. She walks towards me and stands beside me before muttering out a Good Morning to the principal.

"Ms White, I would like to introduce you to Ms Veronica Black. She will be the one to give you a tour of the school and she is in the same class as you. I have to leave for a meeting right now, I will leave you two to get acquainted. I do hope you will have a good time in Summit High Ms White." With that, he closed the door and left the both of us in the office.

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