Love Never Dies

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Hey everyone! This is my first story, and I hope you guys like it! Please comment/fan me, and get the word out! Xoxo

“Hey, Kendall! Ghost Adventures is on tonight!” My older brother, Kameron, yelled.

“I know!” I replied. “They’re going to announce the date that the winner gets revealed!”

The GAC held a contest to invite a teenager to go on a lockdown with them. Whoever won had to choose another teenager of the opposite sex to go with them on the lockdown. The contest was really easy to enter, and I felt like I had a pretty good shot at winning. The only problem was that if I won, I wouldn’t know who to take! Kameron just turned 20, so there was no way I could bring him. Oh, well. Its not like ill win anyways.

I walked into my living room, where Kameron was laying across the couch.

“Scoot over! You’re so tall you take up the whole damn couch.” I said playfully as I threw a pillow at him.

“Fine, but its not like you take up much room anyways.” He replied, tossing the pillow on the ground. I rolled my eyes in response.

Just as I sat down, the GAC appeared on the screen.

“Hey Ghost Adventures fans. I know many of you teenagers out there entered our contest to see who will go on a lockdown with us.” Zak Bagans said through the monitor. “We all know you are very anxious to see who the winner will be. So, we decided that we were going to call the winner and air the conversation during the next episode of Ghost Adventures. The winner will be contacted right after tonights show. Good luck to all of you, and I hope you enjoy tonights episode of Ghost Adventures” He finished.

“Oh my gosh. I would die if Zak Bagans called me.” I said excitedly.

“Keep dreamin, lil sis.” Kameron snickered.

After the show ended, my heart immediately started pounding. I wanted to go on a lockdown more than anything in the entire world! I have always been interested in ghosts, but I’ve never been on a ghost hunt before. This would be the perfect way to get started!

Ten minutes later, I had received no phone call. Well, I guess I knew better than to get my hopes up.

“Sorry you didn’t win sis. I know how badly you wanted to win” Kameron said as he rubbed my back. I just stared blankly at the wall.

“It’s okay, I knew that I had a slim chance anyways” I replied, smiling at him.

Kameron was seriously the best big brother ever. He was extremely popular in high school, so now he has a whole bunch of hot college friends that come over on the weekends. Me and my friends don’t mind one bit. We also look a lot alike, with the same light brown hair and endless brown eyes. He got the height in the family, however. He is at least 6’3, and im a whole foot shorter. When we were younger our mother walked out on us. Kameron was only 12 at the time, and didn’t really know how to handle it. My dad started drinking soon after my mother abandoned us, and became abusive. He would constantly blame Kameron for all of his troubles, and always took his anger out on him. He rarely hit me, due to the fact that Kameron would defend me. When Kameron turned 17 three years ago, my dad died in a car crash. Kameron took care of me, even though he wasn’t 18 yet. We got really close when my mom walked out, and have had a good relationship ever since.

“You had just as good of a chance as the other people who entered.” He said, his voice snapped me back into reality.

“I guess your right, the winner was randomly picked anyways.” I chirped, feeling a bit better now.

****“If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go

Keep you on my arm girl, you’d never be alone”****

“That’s my phone…” I said, jumping up to get it. “Its probably Kailee.”

“Gosh, you two are inseperable. I swear” Kameron chuckled.

“Well, we are best friends! Its what we do!” I laughed. I checked the screen and frowned.

“Errrr, it’s an unknown number. Should I answer?” I asked.

“Ah, what the hell. Answer it. If it’s a creep ill tell em off.” Kameron said as he appeared behind me.

“Hello?” I asked the person on the other line.”

“Hi, is this Kendall James?” The unknown caller asked.

“Yes, who is this?” I asked. This was getting real sketchy…

“This is Zak Bagans, lead paranormal investigator for the Ghost Adventures tv show. I would like to invite you and one other guest to go on an investigaton with Nick, Aaron, and myself.”

My heart was racing, and a huge smile spread across my face. I turned to Kameron.

“It’s him!” I mouthed.

Kameron immediately lit up.

“Hello? Kendall?” Zak said.

“Oh, im sorry! Of course I would love to go on a lockdown with you and the crew!” I replied, feeling overwhelmed with excitement.

“Excellent. I’m going to text you the details of the lockdown later this week. You might want to start thinking about who you want to take, too!” he replied.

“Of course! Thank you so much!”

“Ill contact you later, Kendall. Goodnight!” He said.

“Night!” I chirped.

“Wellll….? Tell me whats going on!” Kameron said.

“Im going on a lockdown!” I yelled.

“Ohmygod! Im so happy for you!” Kameron said, pulling me into a hug. “Who are you gonna take with you?” he asked.

“I don’t know. That’s the hard part…” I said, still not believing that this was reality.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please spread the word of this, ill try to post often :)

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