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Written by: Aviana Rose

    “Thank you!” Alicia exclaimed as she ran out of the small bakery with a box in her hand, her copper red and blonde hair flying out of her bun and into a loose ponytail. She glanced down at her watch only to cringe at how late she was. She had woken up half an hour later than she had wanted to due to her alarm not going off.
    She ran around another corner and down the street before stopping at a small building with ‘BigHit’ written in Korean on the front. She walked in after scanning her I.D. card and bowed at the girl who sat in a leather black chair at the front entrance. She ran up the stairs and down the hallway passing multiple doors on the way. She came to an immediate halt in front of a door that had a lot of yelling and laughter from familiar voices. Voices she had grown to know and love over the past few years of being their makeup artist. She grinned before reaching for the light switch that rested on the right side of the door. As soon as she flicked it down, the light shut off and multiple screams came from inside. She pulled out a lighter and quickly opened the box before opening the door and slowly walking in with the lighter’s flame being the only source of light in the room. She slowly took in a breath before singing in her native language.
    “Bonne fête à toi. Bonne fête à toi. Bonne fête notre cher ami. Bonne fête à toi,” The boys grinned as she stopped in front of V - or Kim Taehyung. She smiled at him as he stared at her with wide eyes. “Make a wish Tae Tae,” she whispered as she smiled more, making Taehyung chuckle and smile his famous box smile. He stared into Alicia's’ eyes for a few more seconds before blowing the flame on the lighter out.
    “Happy Birthday!” six other voices shouted out as six pairs of arms wrapped around him. Even with six other people talking and hugging him, his eyes and mind were focused on his personal make-up artist and closest friend since high school. His six band members let go of him before they all say on the floor in a circle with him following only a few seconds later. In those few seconds, RM - or NamJoon - had seen Taehyung staring at the french girl who was now cutting the small cake she had bought into eight pieces. NamJoon smiled and tapped Taehyung's’ shoulder after he had sat down next to him.
    “Why don't you just tell her how you feel, V?” he inquired softly causing Taehyung to furiously shake his head.
    “She won't like me back. I’m to weird. She deserves someone like you,” Taehyung whispered softly while looking down at his lap. NamJoon's eyes widened at this, he knew what Taehyung was thinking. Taehyung had seen Alicia talking to him multiple times and had witnessed her ask to talk to NamJoon alone. Only Taehyung had taken it out of context. All those times they talked, it was about Taehyung and how she felt. NamJoon sighed before standing up and grabbing Alicia's’ arm, dragging her out into the hallway.
    “What the hell? What was that for? You could have just asked for me to follow you, “ Alicia pouted as she looked up at NamJoon.
    “You have to tell Taehyung the truth.” he demanded causing her eyes to widen in shock and fear.
    “I can't. What if he rejects me?” she muttered as she looked down. NamJoon smiled and rested his hand on top of her head.
    “I get the feeling that he won't,” Namjoon spoke quietly. Alicia looked down before nodding and walking back into the room. NamJoon followed soon after and grabbed a slice of cake before sitting down next to Jin - or Seokjin. They continued on with talking, singing, rapping and dancing with Alicia stealing glances at Taehyung and him at her. At the end of the day, the boys walked home with Alicia until she had to walk down a different road.
    As she walked down the road, a voice yelled out her name causing her to pause, “Alicia-ah, did you really think I would let you walk alone?” It was Taehyung who had stopped her. He stood next to her with his hand stretched out towards her with a smile on his face. Alicia giggled and took his hand, intertwining their fingers together as she shook her head. They continues to walk down the road as they talked about anything and everything. They eventually reached her house, causing Taehyung to frown and look down. “I guess I will see you tomorrow, yeah?” he whispered.
    Alicia chuckled, “What are you talking about TaeTae? It's to dark for you to walk home alone. You are staying here.” Alicia grinned at him as she tightened her grip on him.
    “Bu..,” Taehyung started.
    “No ifs, ands, or buts about it,” she cut him off while looking at him seriously, until he started to choke out a laugh.
    “Butts,” he broke down with laughter as soon as the word left his mouth. Alicia giggled and slapped his shoulder while rolling her eyes. She opened the door and pulled a still laughing Taehyung into the living room.
     “You are such a kid,” Alicia mutters as she sat on the couch with an amused smile on her face.
    Taehyung plopped down next to her, “If I am the only child, then how come you are so amused?”
    Alicia rolled her eyes, “Because you are a dork.”
    “Oh! I’m hurt!” Taehyung fake cried as he clutched his chest, where his heart is.
    “Oh chill, you’re a lovable dork,” she laughed.
    “I’m lovable?” he muttered as he stared at Alicia who turned on the television and pulled a blanket over them throughout their bantering. He shook his head and watched the TV until he felt something hit his shoulder. He looked over to see Alicia’s eye almost fully shut.
    “TaeTae?” she mumbled.
    “Je T’aime.”
    “Ah,” Taehyung's’ eyes widened at the words she had just said. Even though they weren't Korean, he knew what she had said. After he became an idol and she became his makeup artist, he fell in love with her and in order to impress her, he started to teach himself french so they could, one day, be able to converse in her native language. He smiled before kissing the top of her head and laying down with him arms wrapped around her waist.
    “Je T’aime aussi,” Taehyung shut his eyes and fell asleep with only one thought on his mind.
    ‘Best birthday gift ever.’

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