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"Hey mum, dad? I'm heading out! I've gotta get to work." - I said as I climbed down the stairs.

"You want me to drop you off, sweetie?" - dad asked.

"Nope, I'm good. But, thanks tho, dad." - I smiled, kissed his cheek and hugged my mum goodbye.

I put my headphones on and played Baby by Carla Thomas on my walkman, as it was my favorite song at the moment, for some reason.

Baby, ooh, baby
I love to call you baby
Baby, oh oh, baby
I love for you to call me baby

It was a beautiful, sunny, summer day. I sang quietly and swayed and skipped to the music, as I was heading towards Pop's.

  B-A-B-Y baby
B-A-B-Y baby

Not realizing where I was actually going, suddenly, I bumped into someone. I froze when I saw the snake on the back of the leather jacket. I took my headphones off, sliding them down my neck and leaving them resting on my shoulders. - "I'm sorry.. I didn't see there was someone standing in front of me." - even tho I lived on the Southside, I was still scared at some point of the Serpents. Especially, tall serpents with broad shoulders.

The raven haired boy turned around and his face expression changed in a matter of seconds, as soon as his eyes fell on me and locked with mine. - "Alice?" - he grinned.

"FP?!" - I said in disbelief, as I recognized his oh so handsome face. I hadn't seen the boy all summer. Word on the street was that his dad had kicked him out not too long ago. What a shame. - "Haven't seen you in a long time! Where have you been?" - I grinned.

"Oh, you know, here and there, out and about." - he grinned back at me. - "What about you, gorgeous?" - he asked as he eyed me up and down. - "Where you going dressed like that?"

"Oh, to work."

"What? Where? Since when?" - he asked confused.

"Yeah. I was really bored this summer and had nothing to do, so I decided to ask Pops if he needed some help around the diner. Turned out he really did." - I smiled. - "And here I am."

"So, you're telling me that little Miss perfect actually gets her hands dirty?" - he chuckled. - "Didn't know that a princess had to work to fill her time up."

"Stop it, FP." - I glared at him. - "You know I don't like it when you call me like that. I'm far from perfect, even further from being a princess." - I sighed, already getting annoyed.

This boy, made me feel two things and two things only. He'd either annoy the hell out of me, or cause a take off to a thousand butterflies in my tummy. Right now, he did the first.

"You know that I think you're both." - he winked and leaned closer to me, kissing my cheek. - "You're my perfect little princess." - he whispered in my ear.

This boy, also, had the ability to change my mood in a matter of seconds. Right now, I was feeling butterflies. A thousand butterflies. No, scratch that, I was feeling elephants and rhinos. I was feeling a zoo!

I smiled, my cheeks were burning. I've always hung out with him, since we lived in the same neighborhood. But, as we became older, he started getting more and more attractive. And lately, I've had quite a crush on him. I really hoped that he wouldn't pick that up just from me being a blushing mess. Or may God be on my side, I'd never hear the end of it.

Yes, he talked to me. Yes, he flirted with me. Yes he had some cute pet names for me. But, he also did all the same things with other girls, as well. I would never think much of it. He's just your typical bad boy. And now, with that Serpent jacket he was wearing.. it only made him an even bigger bad boy.

Stop it, Alice! - I thought to myself.

"Well, look at the time.. I'm going to be late."

"Pops wouldn't make a big deal out of it." - he smirked.

"The other waitress might. You know, the one that is waiting for me, so she could get to go home?"

"Hop on then." - he grinned, tapping the backseat of his bike. - "We'll be there in no time."

"On that?! FP Jones, are you high on fumes?!"

"What? Why?" - he furrowed his eyebrows confused.

"There's no way in hell I'm getting on that motorcycle with you."

"Why not?"

"How can I be certain that you even know how to ride that thing?"

"You can't! You'll just have to trust me." - he grinned.

"Trust you?" - I chuckled sarcastically. - "How could I trust you if I'm dead?" - I said and started walking away.

He stood there behind me for a second. - "Oh, c'mon princess!" - he jogged up to me. - "It'll be fun, I promise." - he grinned and stood in front of me. - "Plus, I'm still alive, aren't I?"

"It's a true miracle that you are." - I chuckled.

"Don't you know how to have fun? Don't you want to have fun?" - he put his hands on my upper arms, lightly squeezing me. He had a grin on his face.

"I know how to have fun! And for your information, Jones, I do have fun. Fun that doesn't involve motorcycles. Fun that doesn't involve putting my life in jeopardy." - I said.

"Like what, sipping milkshakes at Pop's with your friends?" - he looked at me and I rolled my eyes. - "Live a little, doll."

"If you'd be so kind to let go of me, FP, I must be on my way. I don't want to cause any trouble at work." - and so he does. - "Plus, I don't want you to be stuck in a pointless conversation with a boring person." - I leaned my head to my right and smiled sarcastically.

"Oh, c'mon! I never said that! You're just putting words in my mouth." - he sighed.

"See you around FP." - I said as I walked away.

"You're breaking my heart, princess!" - he called behind me.

But, I didn't even dare to turn around. I put my headphones back up and continued with my way. I wasn't going to let him win our little argument this time. I was going to be the one who had the upper hand this time. He really had me pissed off. Plus, he had been MIA during the whole summer vacation. He couldn't even call? And now he's expecting us to pick up right where we left off? Well, no can do. He was going to take a taste of his own medicine.

My Secret Life ~ Falice Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now