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I looked into my new locker, inside there was a piece of paper with some chicken scratch writing. I was only able to make bits and pieces of it out... And it was creepy, but nothing I'm not used to.

Day 1
~They still haven't noticed me, but it's going to happen soon. All I have to do is wait for the right time... And then I will be able to bexxx

I shrugged it off-this probably was the locker everyone was talking about. The one that supposedly had a ghost girl, or boy, or demon, or something. Point is, people thought this locker was cursed.
And surprise surprise, it just had to be mine. Oh well, I'll live, it's not the first time something like this has happened. For example during my Summer Camp I was nominated to be in the "cursed" cabin, a lot of campers had somehow gotten hurt when they were in it but oh not me-somehow or another I manage to stay fine in these cursed places whilst others are getting hurt, dying, or something else.

Point is, I'm not a normal kid and I don't even know why. The good news is this is a new school, thanks to my Dad we decided to move-and that's a story for another time.

A new school means a new life, every teenager my age knows that. But getting this locker and the note in it was a bit of a surprise since it wasn't just a new school, this was a new state so literally nobody knew I was 'The cursed girl' at least not yet.

The bell rang and I shoved the note into my pocket, I'd probably look more into it later. As I entered class I noticed a lot of people look at me. They were probably judging but whatever-that's what everyone does, even if you don't realize it.

For example when you see someone dressed in pajamas at a store, or in public, or just dressed poorly you (or your brain) immediately judges that they might be poor or homeless because they aren't wearing what we deem 'normal'.

So before you go and say 'Oh I don't judge anybody!' that's bull, someway or another you judge them, even if you don't realize it.

I sit down at my seat and some person throws a piece of paper at me, I shrug it off-I'm used to worse. As we start class the teacher writes on the chalk bored whilst speaking.

"Alright class, as you can see I'm not Mr. Rull my name is Mr. Ares..." I started ignoring him and started thinking, if Mr. Ares is a new teacher that means he probably doesn't know I'm new. Meaning I won't have to get up to.. "Ahh,  Miss Queen, would you please come up and introduce yourself." Great, I jinxed myself.

I walk up to the front of class and sigh, "Hello. My name is Robin Queen, I'm seventeen years old, and I have a pet cat." I stood up there, pretty sure it was over. I looked over at Mr. Ares and he was looking at me.. Actually he looked like he was scanning me and he was pretty pale.

When He realized I had noticed him staring he cleared his throat, "And uh, what color is your cat?" I shrug, "Black with crystal blue eyes." he nodded and told me to sit down. I oblidged and went back to my seat hearing a few whispers, one of which being, some about me-others aobut other things. But, as usual, I didn't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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