1 daye, der waz ay fary nam tinnkelbele. Seh mahde alotz of stuf 4 har fary franz, eggsept no 1 lykked hur. oly 4 hur stuf. Tinnkelbele waz lykk "fuk no, yyu guise ar meen. i isz bootiful." hur franz weere lykk. "suht up, ho. yyu smel lykk green smely eggs. we h8 yyu" seh gitz wheel madd an say "yyu allz dum lykk i cant evin" den dey say 2 hur "yyu iz so fake, we dunt evin cur bout yyu." she gott so madd, she waz abut 2 cuht a betch. "i dnt cur eyether. abut yyu." Tinnkelbele lef and bout keroscene. sh drenhed thare housas n it. every1 died.
da end<3
luv meh.