To you depression is an illness
to me it's what I've become
I was happy
I smiled
I laughed
I enjoyed life
But now
Ifake smile
I make jokes about dying
I wonder if today is the day I'll feel anything but saddness
Will today be the day im not a burden?
I try to tell people
There response its okay youll get through this
It's all in your head
Get over it
But how can I get through it when some days i cant even feel
Some days ill cry for hours
Some days ill forget to eat
Some days ill give myself little sleep
Some days ill get so angry
Some days i want to make it hurt
So really how can I get better
They say take the medicine
it will help
But how does a pill make me smile
How does a pill make me want to get out of bed
How does a pill make me feel when I've got nothing