Dreaming With Eyes Wide Open

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I sit on the roof, staring into the endless stories of the skyThe stars sparkle in their clusters, glowing with an almost ethereal light

The ocean in the sky opens its arms, as I float up

I drift with my eyes wide open, floating from constellation to constellation

Their stories unfold, immortalized in the skies

The trees are lit by the moon, shining benevolently down at the earth

I drift through the sky, gazing down at everything

Ancient forests rise from the ground, the trees standing stark against the landscape

Animals all around are at peace; packs, herds and lones alike

Wolves howl up a greeting, my face slips into a fleeting smile

The ground swoops away, as a cliff comes into view

I dive towards the ground, reveling in the speed and exhilaration of flight

Mountains loom in the distance, somehow menacing and majestic at the same moment

They rise out of the ground, dwarfing anything else near

An ocean shines in the distance, a silver disk reflected off the surface

Waves lap gently at the shore and dolphins chirp happily as they swim along

I dive

Down, deep down to the floor

The sand feels cool between my toes, and the water around me gleams and ripples around every movement

Starfish cling to rocks, abandoned shells litter the sand, and kelp dances in the water

Down there everything seems slower, time more liquid

The light plays along the bottom in entrancing patterns

I swim up towards the surface, face pointed skywards

I rise higher, and higher, until I can touch the cotton candy clouds

A comet streaks across the top of the world as I watch, and wish

The cloud moves slowly and I am lulled to wakefulness.

Cite for photo:

Bluemoon. N.d. Photograph. Blue Blog:Blue No. 6. Web. 25 June 2012. <http://qblog-blue.blogspot.com/2010/05/blue-no-6.html>.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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