Yuri X Natsuki: Natsuki's view

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   The last school bell finally rang, as all the other students go home or go to their after school activities. I, Natsuki, make my way over to the Literature Club, as I walk I'm greeted by a tall figure blocking the doorway. I look up at them and it appears to be Yuri, deep into her book. I tap her shoulder, she jumps and turns around, I start laughing.

"Ahahah, I couldn't have scared you that badly!" I say

"I-I wasn't scared... You just... Startled me." She replies

"Sure... Anyway, what're you doing out here?" I ask

"Oh, sorry, I was waiting for yo-..... Someone... And decided to read my book to pass the time..." She says

"Who were you waiting for?" I ask

"U-umm..." Her face turns a bit red

looking to the side of Yuri I see Sayori running towards us clutching a white bow to her chest which looks a lot like Monika's.

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!" She yells


I quickly look behind Sayori, seeing Monika darting after her with her long brown hair, following her as she ran.

Sayori dives into the club room with Monika right at her tail. She leaps over a desk causing her foot to get caught and falls face first onto the floor. Monika takes the bow and puts her hair back into a ponytail.

"Ow..." Says Sayori

Yuri walks into the classroom staring directly at the wall, by doing so she trips over Sayori causing her to also fall on her face, but the way Yuri landed...

"Y-Yuri?!" I say, blushing

Yuri gets up and looks at me.

"Ouch...Y-yeah, Natsuki?" she replies

I cover my face with my hands not wanting to see what was just bestowed upon me...

"Y-y-your skirt is...is up..." I say


Yuri's face turns to a bright red. she's shaking, not wanting to believe what I just said. Yuri looks behind her revealing the truth, she quickly puts it down and gets up, holding onto her arms tightly while looking down. I slowly walk over to her and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Yuri? You ok?" I ask

I can feel her shaking. She looks at me, eyes widen and says.

"That's.....That's.....The most embarassing thing...... I've ever done."

Looking over at Monika helping Sayori, I think of a way to lighten the mood.

"Hey, why don't we have some tea?" I ask Yuri

She nods and slowly walks over to the closet. Yuri gets out her tea set and multiple types of tea flavors.

"I'll go fetch the water..." She says

"Can......Can I come with?" I ask

"S-Sure." She replies

We head out into the hallway to the nearest water fountain. Yuri begins filling up the pitcher while she is, I see that a folded piece of paper fell out of her pocket.

"Hey Yuri, you dropped something." I say

"Huh?...W-wait!" She says and looks over at me

I bend down to pick up, Yuri does the same and we bump heads.

"Ow." We say

I look in my hand, I somehow picked up the paper. I unfold it and begin reading, It read

"Natsuki, Have I told you yet... How much you mean to me... Have I told you yet... About all the happiness you bring... Have I told you yet... That you mean the world to me! Just in case I haven't... I just want you to know that... You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I......You."

 When I read it... I felt my heart skip a beat... One of the words where smeared so I couldn't quite finish it. Yuri looks away to the right blushing uncontrolably. I look up at her.

"Y-Yuri...Did......Did you write this?" I ask

She stays still for a while then slowly nods.

"What did the smeared word say?" I ask

"......Love......" She replies

"I...Love...You......To." I say

Yuri looks at me, stunned over what I had said.

"W-what.?!" She says

I look into her eyes and say

"I love you to... Yuri"

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a hug, She slowly hugs back... We hug for a while. I then back up and look at her. She moves her head closer to mine... she kisses me...... I kiss back...  We hear someone come up around the corner.

"Natsuki? Yuri?" 

We stop and quickly look over at them, its Monika. Startled I try to come up with an excuse

"M-Monika!? We were just.... Ummm.. Uhh."

"Hehe, no need to get worked up... I'll leave you two love birds to it." She says

Monika winks at us, then disappears into the club room... Yuri looks up at the clock.

"3:25 P.M. We better get going..." She says

"Yeah." I reply

I look up at her and give her a kiss.

"See you tomorrow." I say

She nods "Tomorrow...."

We part ways. I stop and yell to her.


she yells back, "NATSUKI!"

I laugh and continue walking.

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