Love and argurments

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Characters: yasmine, August alsina, diamond,Trey songz, royal,Chris brown, unique, Kendrick Lamar

setting: takes place in Holly wood, at a baby shower

Karen: we just want to thank every one for coming out today for royals baby shower sorry she couldn't be here today she is in hospital and will be having her baby in 3 more days

~~~~Unique walks in ~~~~~~~

unique: waaaagud y'all here is kamera gift

Karen: thanks but Why are u so late it started 2 hours ago

unique: becuh I can come any fucking time I feel

Kendrick: look do u knoe who I am

Karen: yup and I sho damn knoe u not the only famous person in this bitch and they all came on fucking time Whet makes u any fucking different

Kendrick: look we ain't have to buy the damn baby anything lucky we did Cause I got many more things to use my money for

Karen: Well how bout u take yo cheap ass gift back and spend yo damn money on Whet the Fuck u need to Cause we don't need u or yo money(hands over the gift)

they left.... at the end of the baby shower diamond and yasmine stays to clean up

yasmine:  damn Karen u had fussed Kendrick the hell out

diamond: like frs and unique ain't say shit

Karen: I don't give two shits I don't see Why they were even invited I can fucking stand their asses a got damn ways unique went Kendrick brother a Kendrick went with unique cousins they all some mofos

diamond: damn I didn't knoe bout all that

Karen:  ik they tried to hide the shit so that they would keep they friends how did I hear bout it?  ease dropping

yasmine: and that's Why I love u Cause u is the news u knoe bout everything

Karen:  yea Well I knoe bout your miscarriage

diamond: damn yasmine that's some shit I didn't even knoe bout

yasmine: Karen stop spilling the beens

Karen:  I am after I spill the beens about diamond

diamond:  plz don't I beg of u I dont want my shit out in the open

Karen. : sorry I did yasmine so now I got to do u

yasmine: can u hurry up and tell us plz

Karen: diamond was pregnant once by kid ink

yasmine: damn guh u was doing it big u wanted the. big dick

diamond:  how did u knoe his was big

Karen: oooooh I knoe how

yasmine:  ite it's cool u knoe but we have a party to get to later we got to go come on diamond

diamond: k bye karen

Karen: maybe I can tell u next time bye


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