Chapter 1: Moving Out and Moving In

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I stood in the doorway and glanced back at my bedroom one last time. It stood empty, the shell of my past. Only a few stuffed animals and books were left on the shelves. The walls were still decorated with posters of bands and pictures of my dad and I standing at the zoo and with the rest of my family. My dad and I had the same chocolate colored hair and freckles. The only difference was our eyes. His were green while mine were blue, like my mother’s.

                My mom died eight years ago. She got sick two years before she passed, cancer. I hated the word. It’s a vortex that swallows people whole without mercy, leaving nothing behind. It had stolen three people from me. My mother, my grandfather, and… well, I don’t like to talk about it. The images of them in their last days still haunt me. The hospital rooms, the funerals, the people who I loved crying, it was almost unbearable to think of.

                “Rowan!” The familiar voice of my father called up the stairs. I picked up my last suitcase and pulled it behind me ungracefully down the stairs. My dad stood by the front door with another of my bags and the car keys in his hand. “Ready Row?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I replied with a sigh.


“No, just… ready, I guess,” I said.

“Ok, well lets head out.” He said and I followed him to the car. We jumped in the old truck and pulled out of the driveway. The truck groaned and creaked, puttering down the street. My dad picked it out in high school. He thought it had charm and would pick up the ladies. The story always made me laugh considering how nerdy my dad was in high school.

                Neither of us said much during the drive. It was a comfortable silence, it gave me time to think. I was ready to leave my past behind. It was time for me to start a new life for myself. Only a few things would remain the same in my new life. 1. My best friend, Maribel 2. My family 3. My awful social skills, well maybe I’ll work on that. Everything will be better. No more haunting tragedy. I’m focusing on me now.

                An hour later we arrived. “Look, Row.” My dad pointed. I looked out the window. There it stood in all its glory, majestic and beautiful, Colorado State University. Old buildings dotted the area with waves of students surging across the sidewalks, boxes and suitcases filling their arms. “It’s amazing.” I said with a smile. I had seen the campus before, but it was nearly empty. We found a parking spot near the Walker building, it was the freshman student housing building. I smiled from ear to ear as I got out of the truck.

                “I’ll go get your room key.” My dad said. I nodded and he walked to the building. I leaned against the truck, watching the people walk by. Groups of girls strutted by excitedly carrying bags and laughing with their friends. A pack of guys walked by wearing university hoodies and sneakers, obviously athletes. One made eye contact with me, even though it was just a glance. I smiled, trying not to be awkward. He smiled back as he walked away.

                My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and saw the message from Maribel. It said, hey gurl! Im in room 205, text me when you find out ur room! Xoxo- Mari. Maribel was very much a girly girl. She always made her appearance known, but don’t let her deceive you, she is very smart.

                My dad walked back toward me with the room key in his hand. I looked at it, room 205. Could this be any more perfect? We each grabbed an armload of bags and boxes and trekked up to the room. The door was already open and when Mari saw me, she went wild. “OH MY GOSH ROWAN WE ARE ROOMATES! I can’t believe it!!!” She jumped up and down her dark curls bouncing. She hugged me which caused me to drop the box I was holding. “Oops, sorry,” she said and picked it up.

“Hello Maribel,” my dad said with a smile.

“Oh, hi Mr. Martin.” She said charmingly.

        We brought in the rest of the bags and observed the room. It was very small and included two desks, beds, and a bathroom that we shared with the room next to us. The walls were white with grey carpet, very simple. My dad stood in the doorway after all the heavy lifting was done. “Well, I guess I should leave now,” he said sadly.

“I suppose.” I gave him a hug.

“Your mother would be so proud of you.” He said with a smile. We hugged again and he departed.

"Now," Mari began, "we must work on making this place more appealing." We began un packing our clothes and the came to a dilema. "Mari, you can't take up the entire wardrobe. Did you bring your whole closet?"

        "No silly, this is barely half my closet." she replied. Geez this girl had a lot of clothes. Most of wich were decorated with seqins or floral designs. Luckily there was another dresser which I used because I had no dresses that needed hung up. We made our beds neatly. I unpacked a box with desk supplies, including a blue and chevron lamp and my laptop. I put pens and pencils in a Colorado State cup with a ram on it. The room's walls were still barren. "We can go to pottery barn tomorrow, this room is still looking dreadful." I nodded.

        I found one last thing that would always be with me, a box of my mother's things. The box was very old with a golden floral design. It contained a gold charm bracelet that had a charm for every place she visited. She used to travel to dfferent countries and teach children about music. This is why I want to be a dance major.

        My mother taught me various forms of dance when I was young, jazz, tap, ballet, but when we saw the nutcracker together in the winter, I knew that was what i wanted to do. I know it sounds cheesy, but its the truth. Now I need to find a new dance teacher near the university. I haven't danced since my mother died, but I still know the basics. I'll need to learn more before I finish graduate school so I'll be ready to work on my dance major.

        "Ooo, I just got a text from Nick saying that there's a part tonight at that blue house across the street!" Mari exclaimed. "We HAVE to go, Row!"

I nodded, "ok, ok. We can go." She squealed with excitement.

"Its at 7:00, which means we have six hours to find you an appropriate party outfit."

"Why can't I wear this?" I asked, motioning to my jeans, t-shirt, converses, and floral ball cap. She gave me that 'are you serious' look and pulled me out the door.


I will add a new chapter when I get at least ten reads! Startin out small. Please comment what you think of my story so far,  will read them all and take all criticism into consideration. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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