Story 1
It was a rainy and stormy day, young Emily couldn't help but feel down, the weather was gloomy and her daddy didn't seem to come home last night, and mummy wouldn't stop crying, she did not know how but she had a feeling it had to do with daddy not being here.
Wandering around the house she felt lonely, she could hear mummy's sobs from the kitchen and was starting to feel sad herself, only being at the age of five she did not understand what true pain meant.
Her and her mother and father live in a huge 2 story house, all alone, grandma and grandpa used to live there to but they passed away a few years ago. Emily's grandma always used to tell her, 'in great times of sadness or loneliness always go to the 3rd door on the second floor, there you will find magic beyond your wildest it'd dreams.
Emily had already gone there and had seen nothing out of the ordinary. It was a small dingy room that was infested with ugly brown moths and stunk. Her mother had found her in there and had scolded her for being in there.
Emily often thought about that room, always wandering and curious about where to travel next, but never actually going.
Emily felt like today was the best day to go, so she went.
Emily snuck past her weeping mother and through the kitchen door up the staircase, making sure not to step on the 7th step that had always creeped, she quietly tiptoed down the hallway and shuffled into the room.
She went and sat in the middle of the room, completely oblivious to the faint chiming sound coming from the wardrobe. Emily was so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't hear it, the chiming got louder and louder until it sounded like a women singing a lullaby.
With a pounding heart Emily made her way over to the wardrobe, careful to be quiet and started to open the door, the chiming had stopped, full of curiosity she swung the door open.
What came out was not expected, full blasts of light came streaming through and it brightened up the whole room, it seemed trails of sparkles shot out form the lower section while beautiful butterfly's of every colour came fluttering out.
Emily danced and spun in the middle of the room taking in all the colours, and laughing, and signing, this was something out of a dream.
Emily spent the rest of the day in that little room, and when it was time to end, Emily had completely forgotten about her father and her mother, even the weather had cleared up. Emily never went back into that room. It had completely been wiped out of her memory as she got older, her conscious and reality fighting against it, but Emily had never completely forgotten about the wardrobe......
Hey guys, so this is my first story.
It kind of hits close to home, and I wanted to tell you I'm not insane, I was a very wild child and had lots of imagination.
Anyway I'll try to update when I can.
Love Madiwoods12