Chapter 1

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Not many love stories start with a social media app, but ours did. It started with Snapchat. It was a normal night after school, I was just sitting around and working on homework when I looked at my phone. Some random guy named Will had added me. I had no clue who he was so I decided to add him back and figure it out. So I added him back, and said hi. He replied saying hey, so I asked him why he had added me. He replied that he hadn't, but I knew that he had so we had a long argument trying to determine who was right. In the end, we both apologized for it and moved on. We kept talking though, and the conversation quickly moved into a game of truth or dare. At some point he asked for a dare, so I dared him to text his crush. He responded with hi. I was very confused so I said hey, we've been talking for a few hours now. He replied with, I know, but you dared me to text my crush. I told him that I didn't understand, He said, you're my crush. I hesitated before responding, I like someone else. He said, that's okay, and the game continued. Only I couldn't stop thinking about the lie I told him. I didn't actually like anyone else. I didn't have a crush on anyone at the time, I just thought that a few people were cute. And yet still, I lied. Why did I lie? At the time, I didn't know, but looking back on it, I lied because I didn't know how else to respond to that text. Anyways, we kept talking for a while, but never in person. After a few weeks, I texted one of my friend's that had recently moved away to tell her about him. She asked for his name, so I gave it to her, only to have her ask for a photo of him. So, I went on Instagram and screenshotted a few to send to her. She was quick to tell me that he was the freshman year ex – boyfriend of one of the girls that we used to be friends with. Since she had moved away, she hadn't seen that I was no longer friends with that girl, so she didn't realize that I didn't care about the rule about not dating your friends's exes. I explained this to her, and she told me that she understood that, but that I should be very careful if I were to continue talking to this guy. She told me that Will was nothing but trouble, and that it probably would be for the best if I didn't keep talking to him. I told her that I would consider it, but I didn't mean that at all. In fact, I ignored her advice all together and decided not to text her about guys again. So Will and I kept talking, and he figured out my nickname, Lexi. So he started calling me by that, and it was kind of like a secret only the two of us knew. No one else at the school called me that, so it was kind of nice to have that little thing between the two of us. Then, we made plans to meet in person. He wanted me to go over to his house on a Saturday night but my mom told me I wasn't allowed to. She asked me to have him over to our house instead, and he agreed. He couldn't get a ride over though, so my parents and I finished eating and all piled into the car to go get him and bring him over to our house. He seemed hesitant at first, but eventually he got over it. My parents were very civil with him and they chatted with him on the drive back to my house. Once we got there, My parents went upstairs to their room and left me and Will alone. So, we went to the living room to watch a movie, only I didn't want him to see my viewing history on Netflix, so I went on to my sister's instead. Then we browsed through Netflix for a while, looking for a movie to watch, and settled on Goosebumps. Then we just sat on opposite sides of the room from each other watching the movie. About halfway through the opening scene he told me that I could sit by him, so I went and sat by him, but I left a few feet of space between us. I put my hand in the gap between us, but he didn't seem to notice, so I moved it away. After the main character was introduced, he looked at me and told me that I probably thought the actor was cute. I did, but I wasn't about to tell him that, so, instead, I told him that I didn't. Real smart of me, right? Well, he obviously didn't believe that so I told him that I only thought one guy was cute, and that the guy wasn't famous. Then I moved my hand back to the gap. Well, I thought that was enough of a hint, but either it wasn't or he just didn't want to keep talking so he went back to watching the movie. Then, one of the jump scares came. You know, the ones that aren't even scary, but I jump at anyway? Yeah, those ones, and Will thought it was kinda funny when I jumped, which, I guess it probably was for him. I don't know why, but when he chose that movie to watch, over the countless others he could have chosen, it truly surprised me, and made me think that maybe, just maybe he might actually want to be with me. We kept talking through that week, and even ended up talking at school once during that week because he passed me standing outside the classroom on his way to Spanish. He didn't say much, just "Hey B" but that was enough for me. I texted him that night, and he didn't realize that I'd said hi to him when he said hey. That night, I asked him what he meant by B. His response was something I'll never forget. His words were, "B means babe or beautiful, but it also means bee because bees make honey and honey is sweet like you." It was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever said to me. We kept talking through the rest of that week, and Friday he invited me over to his house again. This time my mom actually let me go. I was so nervous, I changed at least five times trying to figure out what to wear, and I took three times as long to do my make up as it normally does because my hands were shaking so bad. I kept having to take it all off and restart. It was all worth it though. I got to meet his mom that night, and it was really cool. She was super nice, but I only got to talk to her for a few minutes. Then Will and I went to his room to watch a movie. I don't actually remember which one, mostly because we weren't really watching it. I started out sitting on the floor and he was on his bed. He pretty quickly got me to lay on his bed with him. Then we were cuddling, I really enjoyed cuddling with him. I've cuddled with other people since then, but it has never been the same as it was with him. That night, I got my first kiss. It wasn't magical, it wasn't the way kisses always seem in movies, but it was ours. It was perfect to me; yes it was awkward and clumsy and nothing like I was expecting, but it was perfect. The rest of that night, we watched a TV show and cuddled and kissed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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