The first thing I could remember was when I was 3(I asked my mum for more details) My mum and dad were fighting about something they fought all the time I later found out that my mother had cheated on my father for the second time. Well they were fighting in the living room my bedroom was close to the living room the door was open a little and my bed was right next to the door so I could see them I just remember them yelling and then I see my father headbutt my mother. That's all I remember my dad was in jail for the whole summer.
Well after that incident my father was out of jail and my mother had a restraining order put on him. One day I was really sick and had a fever of 104 my mum had sat me on the couch with my older brother(he was 5) my mum had gone to put my little sister(she was 1) to bed. My brother noticed that I was not moving and that I wasn't breathing so he got my mum. My mum panicked and called my dads brother my uncle because he had a day off and he came all I remember was my mum putting my sister, brother and me in the car. I was in the hospital for a week it turns out I had a seizer. My dad couldn't come see me because my mum wouldn't leave me and since she had a restraining order on him he couldn't see me.