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After Max ran out, I had another vision. They were all in danger. There were these faceless dog creatures coming. "I'm gonna go see if they're okay" Mickey said. She secretly walked out of the room. "Kaysie, you need to help them. You have the best power of us all!" Suzie said. "I know, but every time a vision comes it gets blocked with the black shadow" I said. Then I heard a gun shot and Mickey ran back into the room. "One of the girls have a gun and there's a man thing coming from the ceiling. They're all running to this room." Mickey said. Before I knew it, all the people ran into the room and locked the door. "Hey Kaysie, you told us in culinary that you guys used to young marines right?" Lucas asked. "Yeah why?" I asked. "So you know how to shoot guns right?" The women asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. Then the boy from the vision gave us all a gun. "Aim and shoot" He said. 

Mike went up to me. "That's Nancy, my sister, Steve, Johnathan, Joyce, and Bob. Now you should release your safety and help shoot the creatures that come through that door" He said. Even though I'm 16, i'm kind of short. So it's really difficult to see anything over these adults that are a good 4-12 inches more than me. There was a banging on the door. Nancy yelled at it to go away. Then the door busted open and the creature came in. She started shooting it right away and everyone attacked it. We all started shooting but I knew damn right that guns were not doing to kill it. I know i'm not suppose to use my powers but it's the only way i'm going to get it out of here.

With my last shot from the bullet I made the creature fly back to the wall and die. I instantly wiped my nose. "We really have to do. Hope you guys are okay" I said. I grabbed Mickey and Suzie's hands and we all ran out and into our cars. I saw Mike bolt out of the house and climbed into my passenger side. "Please Mike, I have to leave" I said. "You're just like Eleven!" He said. "Mike, please! It was just a shot from the gun I guess I gave it more anger. Please don't think i'm some super human thing" I said. 

Then he grabbed my wrist and grabbed it to him. "001? You are just like Eleven!!!" He yelled. I pulled my arm back. "Get out!" I yelled. "No! Not until you tell me where Eleven could be!" He yelled back at me. "I don't know where your fucking girlfriend is so please just let me leave!!!" I yelled. Then my water bottle in the back of the car blew up. "Fucking hell" I muttered. "Kaysie. I'm sorry. And she's not my girlfriend. I just really care about her. You just reminded me a lot about her since I first saw you and now I understand. I just can't let you leave and get in danger" He said. "I. Don't. Care. Mike. Leave. Me. Alone. Please" I said. He sighed and left the car. "I'll see you tomorrow I guess" He said before he closed the door and went back inside. 

"AUGH!" I yelled and hit my steering wheel. My water bottle went back together. I felt a tear roll down my face and I quickly wiped it. "I wanna heal, I wanna feel, What I though was never real, I wanna let go of the pain I've felt so long (Erase all the pain 'til it's gone). *Mickey is calling* I wanna heal, I wanna feel, Like i'm close to something real. I wanna find something I've wanted all along. Somewhere I belong" 

"Yeah?" I said. "Love, we're at the school. Meet us when you're ready. We can walk around the track for a bit" She said. "Thank you. I'll be there in a second" I hung up the phone and wiped the left over tears. I started my engine and went down the dirt road. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Mike standing near the house looking depressed. He's probably only sad because I didn't tell him where Eleven was. I'm sad I don't know where she is either, because she's my sister. She's Jane. I just want to find her so Mike can be happy and leave me alone. I also want to find her because she's my sister, though. I just need to leave.

Before I knew it I was at the school. I saw Mickey's jeep right on the track field. I got out of my car and went on to the field. Mickey and Suzie left the car and followed me. "Are you okay, Kays?" Suzie asked. "I'm fine" I sniffled. Then I fell on my knees.

"Who are you?!" Mom yelled at a man. "Your worst nightmare" He smirked. When he smirked, a fire was in his eyes. A man behind  him shot my mother in the arm with a dart. She fell to the ground. They ran to Bloom's room. He shot her too. Then Roy, and the same to him. "Where is the kid?" The man yelled at my mother's numb body. Dawn wasn't in her room. The men took Bloom and Roy and left my mother on the stairs in the snow. 

"Kaysie?!" Mickey yelled shaking me. I looked at her with wide tear filled eyes. "They're in danger" I cried. I pulled out my phone and called mom right away. "Girls! Get in the car! We need to get to mom! Bloom and Roy are in trouble!" I yelled. We all ran to the cars and drove to the house. Mom didn't answer my call.

To: Mommy

Please get out of the house right now! Hide everyone!

To: Roy :)

Please hide! Get out of the house!

To: Bloom <3

Please get out of the house!! Go hide please!

I sent them all texts. I wiped my nose and pulled into the drive way. I saw mom on the recliner outside. She was talking on the phone. "Suzie check out mom! Mickey come with me!" I said. Suzie ran up to mom. Mickey and I ran inside. Roy ran down stairs. "What's wrong??" He yelled. "You're in danger! Where's Bloom and Dawn?!" He ran back upstairs so I followed. Bloom and Dawn were playing tea party. "Kaysie? I thought you went with your friends?" Bloom asked. There was a screech outside. 

"Guys! We have company!" Suzie panic yelled from downstairs. She ran upstairs with mom. We locked Dawn's room door. "Go in the attic! Now!" Mom whisper yelled. We opened the attic door from Dawn's ceiling and climbed in. Dawn was first, then Suzie, then Mickey, then Roy, and Bloom, and Me, and finally Mom. We all hid in the corner. Everyone stay calm and quiet. These men are after us. I told them all. (in my mind of course, so the bad people can't hear us) 

"Where are you super kids?" The man taunted.  "They're in the attic" I heard one of the men whisper. Mom and I looked at each other. I started to focus. The men's car alarm was going off. "Shit" One of the men whispered. They all ran out. It wasn't actually going off. I was making them think it was. "Is everyone ok--" I turned around and Roy and Bloom were gone. "Oh no" I mumbled. I ran up to the window and saw two of the men grabbing them and putting them in different car. 

"Suzie, freeze time" I said. She froze time and the everything froze. "Mickey, bring us down there" I said. I grabbed Mickey and Suzie and we appeared down on the street. Mom gave me a thumbs up from the window with Dawn in her hands. I raised my left hand to the man with Bloom. I clenched it and the man fell. I raised my right to Roy and the man fell. "Guys, I can't hold the freeze much longer" Suzie said, getting weak. I grabbed Bloom and Roy's hands and told Mickey to bring us back. She popped us back to the attic but Bloom and Roy wasn't with us. But I grabbed them??? Then, Suzie fell. Time was back. The smirking man took Bloom and Roy in the car and left. "No!!" I yelled. The car windows broke but they continued to drive.

"I COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING! WHY DIDN'T IT WORK! I'M SUCH A FUCK UP! OH MY GOD! THEY'RE GONE! WE'RE NEVER GONNA SEE THEM AGAIN!!!" I yelled. I was so mad at myself. My nose and ears were bleeding. My mom tackled me. "Stop! You're gonna blow up the town!" She yelled. I just started to cry. "Mickey, go call 911 and tell them that Bloom and Roy are missing. Dawn, go with Mickey and get Suzie a ice bag please." Mom said.

Could this day get any worse? 

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