Chapters 3 and 4

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In chapter 3, Alexandria is in a holding cell. Her thoughts, her mind-set are just radiating her egocentric, stuck-up snobbiness. For example: when Mr. Collins (the lawyer) showed up at Alexandria's cell all she did was complain. '"Are you alright?" Mr. Collins asked. "Do I look alright?" I demanded.' She is already showing attitude, as if it were her fault she got caught and was in a holding cell, 'all about me, me, me'. Alexandria continues to show attitude to Mr. Collins and the bailiff until Mr. Collins informed her of an alternative to going to a detention center. So Alexandria and her parents are faced with a decision of either sending Alexandria to a detention center for 120 days, or sending Alexandria to Africa doing charity for 3 weeks.

In chapter 4, the author shows Alexandria getting ready for Africa and packing her bags. She gets a phone call and the author once again is showing/displaying Alexandria's attitude and self-centered-ness. And how self absorbed she is. Her mindset and how she thinks she is soo popular and everyone loves her and wants to be her friend. Whiles packing, Alexandria gets a phone call from a girl named Olivia. Olivia is one of her frienemies. She has a fake attitude in her personality, and she thinks that she is so much more superior to everyone else. Putting down other people's self-esteems to boost her own. Like that comment she said about Olivia's car, and her maid driving the exact same thing.

"There was only room for one princess, and that wasn't her."

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