Love is Love no matter what gender you are or like!

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Dear World,

Honestly I have to admit, I'm not gay, lesbian, or anything involving liking the same gender. Many would ask: why are you taking part in this contest then? I don't know the struggle these people have been threw, trust me I know, but I've witnessed, seen, and heard terrible things about the LGBTQ community that I knew from a young age wasn't right. In fact I tend to enjoy and reconsider watching a movie or reading a book about a LGBTQ relationship rather then a straight one.
I look up to my gay/lesbian/bi friends and family members as great examples of strong people. These people have been judged for the people they like! How crazy is that? And even though they've been hurt, brought down by family and friends, killed and abandoned they still had the guts to go out there and fight for their rights that they deserve. They stood up on broken glass with broken bones just to make it clear this is who they are and nothing can or will stop them from being who they are.
When I was a little girl I remember seeing two boys holding hands and kissing each other at the park, at first I was confused. I've never seen two boys do that with each other mainly because I always saw my mother with men, but I wasn't disgusted like my father was. I looked at them and saw two regular people in love with each other, and now: 16 years of age I still see people for who they are.
Sometimes I think my father hates me when I verbally fight him about the LGBTQ community, but I was raised to defend anyone who was being bullied by others, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't care who you are, I'll be more then willing to help a stranger or friend if they were being judged for the gender they're naturally attracted to.
Ever since I was young I've accepted people for who they are without thinking negative about them. No one is perfect, I can't say I'm a perfect person, but I know I try my hardest to protect my friends and family from harsh people as best as I could. As long as one tried their best to make others around them happy then that's what could make you a perfect person in others eyes.
       Never be scared to fight for what you know is right. A lot of people here in America think being gay is 'terrible', but the only terrible thing about the whole situation is the people who decide to make it an issue by protesting against, killing and hurting these poor people.
      Don't be scared to be who you are, there's nothing wrong with liking the same gender nor bad to like both genders at once. As long as you're happy with your life then there shouldn't be anything wrong with you or the way you love someone.


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