Dear World

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Dear World,

This is me, I'm that girl who sits in the back of the class that no one notices. I'm that girl that everyone ignores.

But what everyone doesn't know is that; I love girls and boys alike.

 In other words, I'm Bisexual. I haven't told any of my family or friends, because I feel as though they wont think of me as they did before. That they will leave me out to the wolves. I just wish that I was like one of the kids in the books I read; their family accepts them, their pretty, or at least decent looking, I think I'm ugly.

I hate my family for being the judgmental people they already are without me telling them who I really am.

I hate their rotten souls, just because I wish they would accept me. I can't tell my friends because their all against LGBTQ. Every time they see someone on the news protesting against those who are homophobic, those of us who love the same or both genders, or those who are both genders, they come to school talking about how disgusting and revolting, it would be to even know someone like that. They rub it into my face without realizing it.

I hate it, I hate THEM.

But I love myself like I was in a relationship with the last person on the planet Earth.

I deserve love and so do you.

Everyone does.

Want to know why?

Because everyone is human.

I deserve love and so do you, so does ever person on this planet, no matter the crime, thought, race, or gender.

If someone has committed a crime, it's for a reason.

If someone has a different thought then someone else, it's for a reason.

If someone is born a person of color or white, they didn't chose what color they were born.

Whether someone is born a girl or a boy, they didn't chose what gender they were born.

Everyone deserves a chance at love, no one deserves to be excluded because of what they think, want, or are.

We all deserve love.

Love, LadyBugg0851

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