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okay, so don't judge me... I love how those three white people were alright looking(i love white people too BTW) but each and every one one of those black people were frickin gorgeous!!!! Even M'Baku howling ass... Bring that ass here, you sexy ass ape man. T'Challa and Killmonger yassssssss... When they were fighting in the water!!!! Yes lawd.

But no seriously my favorite part of the movie is how black women are portrayed. We are looked down upon in film quite often and it's refreshing to know that the world is seeing what we are really about. Most importantly, you know, how we are to our kings. Okoye rode for her King... Had the man's back, front, and sides, simply because of how great a leader he was. She could see that he was all about ensuring Wakanda's slayage of technology, safety, peace, traditions... And she had his back 10000 percent. She wore a wig to help him on a mission, even though it went against Dora Milaje tradition, and she was allll about tradition. I said all that to say this... Kings, show your lady you can lead your people(family) in the direction they need to be, and you will have her loyalty, dedication, and submissiveness until the end. Try it and see.
Next up, Shuri and Nakia together proves one point about black women: whether you give us the resources(shuri) or not(nakia) we will get shit done. Shuri had all the resources she need to become THE top woman of STEM... Arguably the best inventor ever. Nakia had a mission, and being that Wakanda was hidden from the world, she could not use it's resources without exposing the beautiful land, so she used what she had, to get her shit done. I know that's right girl.
Lastly: Nakia and Okoye both were in love with a man but they did NOT let that change who they are or what they wanted to do. They told them sexy ass black men... Look here, I love you so much, but I got shit to do and if you ain't trying to help me than you got to go or you gotta wait until I'm done. We are almost always portrayed as women who don't have a mind of their own, who can't do things on their own, who belittle our men but this movie that shows who we really are, what we are really about, has come to be a breath of fresh air.

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