1 - Same Old

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Chapter 1

Hey will you're probably wonder who I am. Well my name doesn't matter, except everyone calls me Sonny. I'm 18 years old, in Kansas city Missouri University studying to be in the music industry. Don't ask how I got in, it took a lot to get in.

Right now I'm in my room writing lyrics. I've never had an "official" boyfriend. I really don't mind, I don't have time for that. Music is my boyfriend. I play music, sing music, dance music, live for music. I play guitar, my life is my inspiration for music. Describe myself you ask? I'm a brunette but if you're really close it looks orangy, well it's auburn, I have an average body. I really can't complain.

So I was writing down lyrics, they were about a boy who I have been crushing on ever since I was 10. I can't stop thinking about him. At night I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I find myself crying quietly about him. I know he would never look my way.

Either way that's not the point. I put my guitar on the stand. I walked to the window and looked down. My room was in the upstairs level.

I saw Michelle, the most popular girl when I was in high school. She had those skinny type model bodies, strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes. She had her "country" style wardrobe.

She was across the street from my house, with the boy of my dreams, Paul, and yes the song was about him. He was a dark-haired boy with chiseled features, brown eyes, muscular type body, oh and spiked hair.

Yes, Paul lives right across from me, I knew something was going on between them. It hurt me a lot to know I wasn't the one who he talked to or thought about. But I knew that time would heal it, slowly, but it would heal. I opened slightly the drapes. Paul was reclined on the hood of his red mustang. He had Michelle held by the waist. She had her hands on his shoulders, and of course she knew I liked him. She looked up to my window pane, I could see that she started laughing, I knew she was talking about me. Then they started making out.


I knew she did it on purpose just so I could see them. At one point we were best friends but now it's like we're sworn enemies. I don't hate her, but she hates me. Since then I dont have a real person I could call best friend, don't get me wrong I have friends just not a best friend. I heard knocking on the door, I went to open it. It was my mom Mary.

"Sonny, dinner is ready, wash up and hurry." she said to me. She saw my songwriting journal on my bed, she gave me a weird look, then she left. I have my own bathroom, and I went to wash up.

I went downstairs and helped my mom set up the table. I have an older bro who is the oldest who by nickname is Jr. and another brother who's nickname is Jay, and my dad Santi, thats my family. Yes, I'm the baby of the family. We all sat down for dinner. My dining room table was the one of those long wooden ones. It had 10 chairs. But we all used the four chairs, and my dad was the "king" he sits in the edge. We all had a seating arrangements, I sat next to mom, then it went to my dad, then Jr. then Jay. The other half of the table was a a flower vase.

"Sonny, you're friend is across the street. What was her name?Michelle?" my dad asked.

"Yes dad, that's Michelle, and no she's not my friend. Anymore." I said.

"Oh really? What happened to you two? She'd always be here with you." he asked me again cleaning his mouth.

"Well dad, we're not anymore, and I really don't want to talk about it." I said moving my vegetables on my plate.

"Okay, that's fine by me." he said cutting his meat. I took a drink of my water, and excused myself from the table.

"Absolutly, no you're going to stay here and finish dinner. Besides it's your turn to wash the dishes." my mom said while grabbing my arm and pulling me to sit down.

"Haha" Jr. said. My mom gave me him a look.

"Well Jr. it's your turn to take out all the trash, from the entire house upstairs, and downstairs level, and the basement." she said to him. I smirked at him, he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Jay, it's your turn to go walk the dog." mom said. Jay agreed, he and I were the obedient ones, and Jr. the rebel.

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