This is for You to THINK and RETHINK!

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It's hard to be young in this time. The time which sins will weigh you down. I myself is a teenager. So, i can understand your mindset and your environment.

Music, Non-Mahrams, Non-Hijabic styles are the fashion and Lowering Gaze literally died!
Right ?
This world will seem like a land of dream! A place where you may feel like 'you can' do whatever you want. But,

I'll let you know something that will make you Think twice if you are a good slave of Al-Khaliq.
Studies says:
55.3M people die each year,
151600 people die each day,
6316 people die each hour!
Don't think that it is just the older people dies.
What if the next hour is going to be yours?
How much is your wealth for Akhirah? and How much is your sins ?

All the things, all people we love, they either have already left us or will leave us. Everything we love has an end in this WORLD.! But why that thing doesn't enter in our brains even if the Islamic Scholars repeats it again and again and again and again? Look what Allah said :

"The mutual rivalry (for pilling up worldly things) diverts you Until You Visit The Graves. (i.e : till you die)"
(Quran 102 : 1-2)

I know you are waiting!
Waiting for the next hour to become better,
Waiting for the next day to become better,
Waiting for the next month's begeneth to become better,
Or the next year's January 1st to become a better practising Muslimah!!

You think you need a fresh atmosphere to restart your life!
Yeah! Qamar also had that feeling once. But now she hates! And repent to Allah for procrastinating the idea of betterment!

Guys, kindly i should say "I was a fool! I don't know why i killed those days! and I don't understand why i wasn't realizing that procrastination was from satan and that will lead me to Hell fire!

I know this age is especially a hard age for us. The young, this is true. But when we come across prohibited things, let's remember Allah,
The one who see everything Al Basweer
The one hear even the whispers As Samee3
The one who knows everything Al Aleem
And the one who loves you the most Al Wahhab...

[I remember the day i cried heartfully thinking why i wasn't shy to do sins even if I knew He the Most High can see whatever i do!!! That still makes me cry!!!!]

You might have heard this,
"If you know the love that Allah has for you, you'll cry an endless ocean!"
He the most Merciful loves us! His creation! His Servant! His Slaves!
But what we are doing ?
Think friend! This is the time for you to re-think, re-start, re-design and re-organize your life. If you are not ready now, then WHEN ? remember the words I quoted before
The mutual rivalry diverts you until you visit the grave! (Quran)!!!

I hope you'll be ready.
Ready for a better journey! With a good intention and a pure heart. And while doing so, Allah will love you. And see what Allah (swt) do then :

Abu Hurairah reported ,
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said : "when Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says 'Verily, I love this person so you should love him'. Then Gabriel loves him and makes an announcement in the Heavens saying 'Allah loves this person and you should love him.' Thus the dwellers of the Heavens love him and he is honored on the earth." 💓

How beautiful is that! Think and wish for a day which Allah (swt) pronounce YOUR name to Gabriel (A) and Gabriel (A) do the same with heaven!
that echoes right????
(""""Qamar"""" 😥 Ya Rahmanah... That really echos...)

And..., the way for you to get the hubb (love) of Allah is,
Abu Abbas Sahl ibn Sa'd AsSaidi said :
"A man came to Prophet (pbuh) and said : 'Messenger of Allah, show me an action for which Allah will love me and for which people will love me if i do it' He (pbuh) said : 'Do with little of this world and Allah will love you and do with little of what belongs to other people and people will love you'"
(Ibn Majah)

I know it is hard to leave the attractive things in this world. Because i came through these all... But you know what,
Purpose of living is found when you live not only to better yourself but to better the things around you. And doing so, you are not denying the pleasures of this world. You can still enjoy your life in a unique different way! The way which Allah loves and the way which only the pious walk through!

There will be tests for you,
And you'll struggle a bit at the beginning. Stay strong okay ? Say No to the immoral proposal, the desires which try to direct you towards the Haram (prohibited) things. And strongly say NO! to satan who always made you a Fool!!!

Ibn Umar said : "the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) took me by the shoulder and said 'Be in this world as though you were a stranger or traveller/ wayfarer."
I'm taking a moment to take your shoulder as a good friend in Dheen and says the same...💕
Just like a stranger! That is enough for us !!!

All that you should remind yourself is 3 things,
*You are going old every second and you can't stop that!

*Even if your parents are not aware of what you are doing, Allah is watching you and Angels are recording that!

*The worldly desires will not help you to get Jannah and indeed Satan is a clear enyme to you!

And when your own mind ask you to do something which is a sin, Whisper :


(You should be strong enough to grab you from evil things okay ? Practice!! I'm waiting for the results! 😍 )

Assalaamu alaikum guys,
I know this is a bit large and i'm really sorry for making you wait this longgg! I don't know whether this will help you or not. But all i want is to make some changes in our Ummat!
I wrote this for YOU who read this, with the help of
@towards eternity
Jazak Allahu khairan for patiently reading this.

Do comment and don't forget to vote...,
we'll see again if Allah the most high wills,.....


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