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I hate everyone and everything. High School days have turned into something hellish, an infernal routine. Maybe it would be a little less dreadful if I got along with my classmates, but unfortunately - or not - I don’t.

I barely even speak to them. The only person I get along with is Alex, and the only one I consider my friend for the matter. It’s been a lot of years since we first met in kindergarden when he threw me a handful of sand, it may sound horrible but ever since that moment we became inseparables. People at high school have always gossiped about us going out, but I would never picture the idea of him as my boyfriend. It’s true that we spend most of our time together, but I’ve never thought of him being more than a friend. He’s just a really close one that I know I can trust and ask for help whenever I need it.

About my family, I live with my mother. My dad died in a car accident when I was 8. At first they told me he had gone to another country because of business and that he would come back, but I knew that wasn’t true and I got to know the whole story when I was 11. I never understood why they didn’t tell me everything from the first moment. Maybe they thought that way I wouldn’t suffer, but they were wrong. I was just too shy to ask for the truth.

I’ve got an older brother. He lives on his own. He moved out of my house 3 years ago to work as a volunteer doctor in poor countries. He has always been my role model because of how much I admire him. We’ve always enjoyed growing up together and I really miss him now I only get to see him in Christmas and summer holidays. Now he has a new girlfriend who spends a lot of time with him but I haven’t met her yet. I’m really proud of him but sometimes I wish he could spend more time with us. A skype call isn’t enough to tell him all the everyday problems I have to deal with as a teenager which I don’t want to tell my mum. Although I get along really well with her I feel we’re not as close as I am with my brother to talk about some things.

My life is boring, nothing interesting ever happens to me. I’ve never had a boyfriend. In fact, I’ve never kissed a boy. Sometimes I tell myself is better this way because that means I haven’t found the right person but then I think maybe I’m the weird one. Yeah, I’m probably weird. I mean, who in the world would like me considering all those beautiful girls that I hate so much? I’m so shy I can’t even have a normal conversation with my classmates without getting all nervous. I would never imagine having a boyfriend. Well, these are all my paranoid nonsensical thoughts every night when I should be sleeping.


 ‘’Daphne’’ I can hear a sweet voice in my head.

‘’Daff’’’ Now the voice is getting closer.

‘’DAPHNE, WAKE UP!’’ I hear someone yelling at me. I jump off my seat and spill the bowl of milk all over the table. Shit, I had fallen asleep while having breakfast. Who in the world falls asleep while eating? Well, Daphne Gibbs does.

My mother sighs and bends down to clean the mess.

‘’Mum, don’t worry. I can do it’’ I try to help her but she clearly doesn’t want me to.

‘’Thanks, Daff but you can’t waste more time or you’ll be late for school’’ My full name is Daphne but my closest friends and family call me Daff.

‘’Ok  then, see you later mum’’ I give her a kiss on the cheek and then I approach to the front door.

‘’Wait, I forgot to tell you, this afternoon I have an appointment so I won’t be coming home until late’’

‘’Ok, don’t worry’’ I don’t have any problems staying home alone, in fact I love it. I guess I’ll call Alex so we can watch a movie or something.

‘’See you later’’

As I get out I look at the house in front of me. Since I can remember that house has always been uninhabitated. When I was little Alex and I used to enter the backyard through a hole in the fence and play with an old swing hanging from a tree. That house was huge and incredibly beautiful. We used to say it was haunted.

It was way much bigger than my house, probably property of some rich family. What surprises me now is the fact that there are cardboard boxes all over the entrance and a moving truck parked next to the front door. I wonder who has purchased it because it’s not like a lot of people can afford it.

I keep walking until I get to the bus stop. I hate public transportation. I wish I could just drive my own car like a lot of girls of my age. Although I’m getting my driving licence this summer I don’t actually have enough money to buy a new one. I’ve been saving money and I guess the only thing I could afford is a second hand one. As long as it goes I don’t really care what it looks like.

The bus is crowded and as always I go to the back row and seat next to Alex, who is happily eating an apple. I’ll never understand his mood considering we’re on a Monday morning and we’re heading to high school, also known as hell.

‘’Hey Daff, how was your weekend? Wait, I already know the answer: boring. Isn’t it?’’ He chuckles.

‘’You’re an idiot’’ I answer kindly. He knows me too well.

‘’I know’’

As we arrive we head to the lockers before going to class. Alex takes his books and waits for me to do the same as he leans against the wall.

‘’Who’s that guy?’’ He asks while I close my locker.

‘’Who?’’ I ask back.

‘’Him’’ He answers while I turn around forced by his hands on my shoulders. Suddenly I spot a tall and muscular boy walking through the front door. As he walks he combs his messy curls with his hand. He’s wearing black tight jeans and a black t-shirt, which covers some of his noticeable tattoos. There’s a brown leather backpack hanging from his shoulder and he’s holding a black folder in his left arm.

 It looks like his sight is lost in the horizon until it gets in direct contact with mine while he passes in front of me. Then I realize how green his eyes are and how they seem to get through my soul. I quickly lower my gaze realizing I’ve dropped the locker key. I bend down and when I pick it up the boy isn’t anywhere to be seen, just the crowded high school hallway.


Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter although it's a bit boring, but I promise things will get better :)

Also I'd like to apologize if I have any grammar mistakes because I'm Spanish and although I've been studying English for a lot of years it's still likely to make mistakes. Please comment and let me know what you think and you can also follow me on twitter @niallerstuff

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