Nepita asks GaMzEe what he likes best about Faygo?
GaMzEe MaKaRa said,EvErYtHiNg!!
Oliver-And-Len asks GaMzEe if you had to pick one...witch one would you pick? faygo or slime pie?
GaMzEe MaKaRa said, ThAt Is So HaRd bUt I wOuLd DiE wItH OuT mY FaVoRiTe DriNks AnD fOoD!
hOmEsTuCkEr_21 asks GaMzEe Hey Gamz! I wanna be like you even more teach me your ways, senpai! :o)
GaMzEe MaKaRa said, Ok AlL yOu HaVe To Do Is... *whispers* Be As AwEsOmE aS mE :oD
((GamzeeLover107))> uh hey please ask me quickly and stuff so bye my bros!!
Ask GaMzEe MaKaRa
Humorplease ask me questions I will try to update as fast as i can :o)