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Okayyy so I'm Mary and this is like the first story I've written so it might make you puke. Jk but have a trashcan around. Comment and vote or whatever you want. Sorry if there are errrors. Read this. Please. And thank you. I should stop talking now. Bye. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mary's P.O.V

Man do I hate this job. I guess it's no too bad. All I do is serve ice cream. And I get to work with one of my best friends. We always share the same shifts, and the pay is pretty good. I just wish it wasn't always so boring around here. Maybe if I got a promotion I could be a manager. Then I could make some decisions around here and liven it up. I could get some music going over the intercom, paint the walls a nice color. But I am only 17, so. Ooh I could suggest we bring back waffle cones! Or-

"Mary! Stop day dreaming again and get back to work. There are customers waiting!" said my annoying boss, Paige. She thinks she's so cool because she's 29, single, and the owner of an ice cream shop? I mean seriously, it's a local rundown ice cream shop that gets like 10 customers a day. Does she need a husband or what? And a decent job. I mean, she is 29. Get a life, lady!

After I served the customers I went to the back to take my 20 minute lunch break. I was eating my sandwhich when my best friend, Kristi, came up to me with her phone.

"Hey Mary, check this out," she said with the biggest grin on her face. An article was pulled up on her phone from some celebrity gossip website. It said that "The World-Famous Boy Band, One Direction" would be in Jefferson City, Missouri on June 5. My three best friends and I are huge Directioners ya see. I was so excited that I had to go outside so I could freak out. Kristi followed me out and we had a screaming/jumping/freak out session together before we called our other two friends.

"Maggie? ... Are you with Kendal? ... Good. Mary and I have some really great news... Ok don't freak out, but One Direction is going to be here in 12 days..." Kristi and I had to pull the phone away from our ears due to the excesive screaming. We joined in on the screaming and planned to get together later today.

We could barely finish the rest of our 3 hours of work. As soon as it was 3:30 we darted out the door. I got into Kristi's car and we went to her house. Maggie and Kendal were already there, waiting in Kendal's car listening to She's Not Afraid.

They saw us pull up and we walked into Kristi's house without saying a word. The door closed. The lights went on. And the screaming began once again. After a few minutes we finally controlled the screaming. We just turned on the music again and got all the food out of the pantry. We all started snackning on something different. I went to the fridge and grabbed a soda.

"Hey toss me one," Kendal said.

"Me too!" maggie said. I grabbed two more and went to the couch. This is pretty much all we do. Go to someon's house. Eat all the food. While we stalk One Direction. It's just a lifestyle. Our parents think it's wierd but they can deal with it.

I decided to crash at Kristi's but Kendal and Maggie couldn't because they both had volleyball tournaments out of town tomorrow. So they left and we continued our uneventful night. We fell asleep in our usual spots. Me on the couch and Kristi on the floor.

The next morning when we woke up, we found something very interesting. Let's just say it was even better than the news today.....
Okay I know this chapter is like as short as me, but I ran out of time and I just decided to put it up how it is. Sorry if you puked. I know I almost did.


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