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Wake up feeling dull.

Get dressed feeling dull.

Look in the mirror at your dull reflection.

Driving to school feeling dull.

Walking through hallways feeling dull.

Sitting in class feeling dull.

Dull headache.

Dull feelings.

Dull relationships.

Drive home feeling dull.

Lay in bed feeling dull.

Staring at the ceiling feeling dull.

Falling asleep feeling dull.

Dull depression.

Dull anxiety.

Dull life.

Meet him feeling dull.

Wake up feeling refreshed.

Get dressed feeling bright.

Look in the mirror at your glowing reflection.

Driving to school feeling energized.

Walking through hallways feeling alive.

Sitting in class feeling bold.

Light headache.

Radiant feelings.

Exciting relationships.

Drive home feeling relaxed.

Lay in bed feeling starstruck.

Staring at the ceiling feeling loved.

Falling asleep feeling complete.

Controlled depression.

Calmed anxiety.

Fulfilled life.  

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