Chap 13

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Your P.O.V

So right now I'm on baby duty while Blake is at DJ's house

BJ: *crying*

You: *picks him up*Shhhhh *feeds him,burps him*

BJ: *yawns*

You:Aww *puts him to sleep then puts him in the baby crib*

Nissey: *calls you*

**Phone Convo**


Nissey:Heeeey boo

You:What's up

Nissey:The sky *laughs*

You:Really nigga

Nissey:Yes really go outside and look

You:Shut up,What you want

Nissey:Nothing just to see what you doing that's all

You:About to take a bath

Nissey:Oh okay


Nissey:Bye *hangs up*

**End of convo**

You: *takes off all your clothes and takes a nice hot shower*

**30 mins later*

You: *walks in your room and lotions up,puts on deodorant,and puts on your bra and underwear then lays down and goes to sleep*

Blake: *walks in the house*Babe I'm home *goes in the bedroom*

You: *sleeping*

BJ: *starts crying*

Blake: *wakes you up*


Blake:The baby crying

You:Ugh! *gets up and changes his diaper*

Blake: *goes to sleep*

You: *puts BJ in his swing in the kitchen*

**Your Phone rings**

Ringtone:*Drop it by Trevor Jackson*Girl you know it feels so right but by the end of the nig(gco)

You: *answer*Hello



You:Hey again

Nissey:You wanna come to the mall with me

You:Sure but I have to bring BJ

Nissey:I'm bring Jaliee so it's okay

You:Aight *hangs up and goes to your room and puts on some blue jean shorts and a crop top*

Blake:Where you going?

You:To the mall with Nissey *picks up BJ and gets your purse*

Blake: *gives you about $300*

You:What's this for

Blake:You deserve it

You:Thanks babe *kisses him*

Blake:Welcome *kisses Bj on the forehead*

You:Bye *puts BJ in the car seat,buckle him up and you pull off in your 4 door Mercedes*

***Skipping To The Mall***

You: *holding BJ and walks to a food court table*Hey Nissey

Nissey:Hey,Awww look at my cute little nephew

You: *laughs*

Nissey:He looks like Blake and kinda like you

You:Yeah yeah yeah let's go shopping *goes in finish line*

Nissey:*follows*Why we in here

You:To get some Jordan's *gets a pair for you and Blake and DJ*

Nissey: *gets her a pair of Adidas*

You:Let's go to (gco)

Nissey:The foooooood court!!

You: *gets a pizza and gets some Japanese food from Lucky Japan*

Nissey: *gets subway,pizza,and,nuggets*

You:Greedy ass

Nissey:Stfu *eating her pizza*So *sniff*you trying to call me fat or something :,(

You:Ummmm.. *eats your food*

Nissey:*eating her subway and nuggets*

You: *gets up and throws away the trash and grabs your bags*Well this was.....boring so I'll just be going


You: *drives home*

****Skipping To The House****

You: *walks in *Babe!?

Blake: *comes out the living room*Yeah

You: *gives him BJ and pulls out his shoes that you bought*

Blake:Thanks babe *kisses you*


Blake:Oh yeah I bought you something too *gets it out the living room*

You:Omg you bought me a Michael Kors purse!This must've took a bunch of your money

Blake:Yeah it did but you were worth it *kisses you*

You: *smiles* Thank you

Blake:Welcome,Im bouta give BJ a bath then feed him *takes him and bathes him then feeds him then burps him then changes him and
puts him to sleep*

You: *takes off your clothes and put on your sleeping clothes*

Blake: *takes his shirt and basket ball shorts off and lays down*

You: *lays down and charges your phone*

Blake: *slips his arms around your waist*Night

You:Night babe *kisses him*Love you

Blake:Love you too *turns off the lamps and goes to sleep*

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