"The words resting on my tongue.
My mouth unable to form a sound.The statues littered my vision in it's creation.
The noise sparing in it's chains.My body struggling for a breathe that it couldn't have take.
For thy windpipe wheezed the air in a force.Why wouldn't it break?
Nothing escaped, as it rested nonchalantly waiting.The letters fumbled in comparison, as it spurred from their lips.
Oh, dear mother, mine is far as it is only by the tip.I remembered the day of the droplets.
As I quickly shuffled through the crossing,The headlights of the machine, swerved, my body flying into a heap in a curve.
Stitches and blurs shadowed my face.
They whispered how lucky my heart was replaced, but what was taken was the volume in it's place.He said shall not wilt as I grow, but rise farther with a glow.
Precautions and signs labeled through my mind.For I am different, and studied in a new kind.
They will never hear the heartbeat of my song.The silence came and stayed for how long, do not worry, I dare not cry.
The others of my glory, truly enlightened the overpowering, they shan't not whimper as thou shapes pass by.
They already figured that mute will always be the one to salute to the captain in praise, because he is our father and mother as it is said on thy page."
Poetry"She held on to the thorn knowing it would prick her, and grabbed on to it's roots knowing she would fall, but the hope that flickered in her eyes always seem to shimmer, nothing demolished it at all, she carved her art on the canvas and set the li...