20. I'm French.
19. My parents died when I was little.
18. Cats are my favorite animal.
17. I "dropped" out of high school my junior year.
16. I get attached easily to people.
15. I have a hormone that prefers cuddling over sex. I swear.
14. I'm a homosexual.
13. I'm shy.
12. I can be an asshole.
11. I'm addicted to coffee and tea.
10. I spend my life on the Internet.
9. I hate most humans.
8. I have 3 cats, 2 hamsters, and a dog.
7. I live in London.
6. I'm in love.
5. I don't have friends.
4. I complain too much
3. I have a dirty mind
2. My favorite band is Bring Me The Horizon
1. My real name is Deady. Deady Alex.