your mama is so fat when she got out of the swimming pool she had to use a king size blanket to dry off.
your mama is so black when she want to night school thhey counted her absent.
your mama is so stupid when you tell her to call nine one one she asks what is the number.
your mama is so skinny she can hula hoop with a fruit loop.
your mama is so fat when she went om the stipping poll she broke it.
your mama is so stupid when she got locked in a matress store she slept on the floor.
your mama is so short when she went to Diseny world she had to ride the kiddy rides.
your mama is like magnet she atreces people.
your mama is like a super market she is open 24 7
your mama is like a super market people go in and out off her all the time.
your mama is like a nail people like to bang her.
your mama is so stupied when people say it's chilly outside she grabes a spoon and a bowl and ran outside
your mama is so fat when she walks past the tv you miss three movies hour movies.
your mama is fat ever times she jumps in the sky she geys stuck
your mama is like a bed people like to lay her.