I ran towards my friend's house.
"Hey Chris, are you there?", I cried.
He came to his balcony.
"Hey buddy, what sends you here?", he asked me.
"Nothing special, I just need my notes which you took from me yesterday. Can I get it?", I asked.
"Oh! I am so sorry. I was about to return it. But I still have some more to copy ", he told me.
"But I need it right now. I have to study for the test which will be conducted tomorrow.",I told him.
"What if you take out the xerox copies of the part you still have to copy? "He said, "Good idea, lets go to the cafe."
...........To be continued
Hey guys, DeveshGhoshPRIYAMVADPRANAVanishaoverhereLARVISHshiwi2CreativeAshurishikesh2742krishanu1singHShreyaupadhayay plz read this book and give your suggestions to improve it ....Thank you ss_sejal296 for your cooperation and good wishes...
Short StoryIt is a short story of an orphan who has a father..... You will surely be puzzled and wondering that how can a boy having father called an orphan????? Well you will have to make it clear only reading this story....