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Julian's pov:

oh god oh god oh god !! I'm so excited to go to gamecon!! (idk if that's real buT uh I made it up shushyyy) it's gonna be so fun , I've never been to any convention before , I've wanted to but never got around to it ;; They all seem like such cool experiences ! I'm going with Chris , he's driving there right now aah ! I can't wait , I'm a huge nerd for things like this , I've heard there is a lot of game devs and animators there too , so that's probably gonna be really interesting to me hehe. It's pretty funny to me , chubby guy going to a big nerd convention , but oh well it will be fun . I have a huuuge suitcase full of my stuff for the week, I hope the room is nice , oh god I'm just too excited !!
"We are almost there I think" says Chris as he drives, I perk my head up and stop day dreaming and staring out the window. "o-oh awesome I can't wait" I say to him , "me too !" Chris replied , I could see him smiling , so he's super excited too.

we keep driving for about an hour before we arrive , we step out the car and drag our suitcases out the back of the car. We look up at the huge convention centre , there is people walking in and out of it and it's super busy !! I try to hold in my excitement and not scream like an idiot , I roll my suitcase behind me as we walk inside and take out our tickets (okay I'm sorry if none of this makes sense I don't know how conventions work don't bulLy mE HHh)) we line up in a huge ass line, and I mean big, it felt like we stood there for 5 hours but I'm pretty sure it was like 2 . Still a very long time to wait but it's all worth it !! we get past the line and get the key to our room , room 45 , gotta remember that ;;. We drag our suitcases up there and Chris opens the door with the card .
"Woah !! It's nice in here!!" He laughs throwing his suitcase on his bed and looking around quickly, i put my suitcase on the floor and follow behind him, he walks in all the rooms, saying 'woah!!' at everything hehe, but it was really cool. We click open the light in the bathroom and look inside , "hey hey Julian look-" Chris says , he's pointing at the toilet making jokes a 5 year old would, I try not to laugh at his stupidness but it just comes out as a wheeze.

We unpack our bags and sit in our room for a while, I thought it would be good to look around and see where everything is - "hey Chris you wanna go look around ?" I ask him "nah, later" he sleepily replies , I mean, understandable, he did drive for a shit ton of time. I go out of the room and start walking to where the stalls are being set up ((idk pfff) there is so many !! Tons of artist and game makers, there is a lot of merch of games I like too, a crash bandicoot plush catches my eye but I decide to not start buying tons of stuff and save some of my money so I force myself to walk away from it and look at more shops, it's so crowded !! People walking up and down, some in cosplay and some not. I try not to get hit over by the crowd and look at some artist stalls, so much cool art !! I wish I could have a store in a convention one day but aah I don't know ;; I talk to a couple artist in their stalls and talk about how they started and stuff, I must've looked like an idiot , getting excited about stuff like this but whatever !!

I keep looking around for 10 minutes and then I see a corner with some chairs and small TVs in it, there is a game console and 2 controllers , and 2 people playing some racing game against each other in each of the chairs , a small crowd stands around them cheering them on , I walk up to it and watch them play the game, they are both super good at it , both of them play in silence concentrating as the crowd laughs and nudges them . One of them wins and starts shouting and stuff and pats the other one laughing. It looks like so much fun !! Somebody points at me , noticing me watching, "hey, wanna try it ?" I get a little surprised "o-oh uuhm I mean - no- aa no I mean yeah sure !!" I feel my cheeks flush as I stutter out a sentence and my stomach turns , I might mess up infont of this crowd !! I go and sit in one of the chairs and grab the controller , somebody else is called out by the man who called me out . They sit down on the other chair , I look up at them, god I feel smaller than usual ;; they are tall, intimidating and handso-- no stop it !! They look at me and noticing me staring "hey there , you okay ?" They say, I blink, realising I was staring at them "o-oh yeah uh hi ! I'm Julian" I nervously laugh , they smile at me "I'm dingdong, and uh I hope your ready to get beaten julian !!" They tease laughing , I laugh back. Oh god their laugh is cute- waIT no shut up julian !! I get kinda blushy;; but turn away quickly and try focus on the game. We start and I can tell he is pretty good at games , he's beating me already !! People are shouting and laughing and cheering us on , it was really fun , I couldn't stop wheezing everytime I hit a wall, which made dingdong laugh. I've heard my laugh is contagious hehe. I start winning, his car hits the side of the road and he starts swearing and laughing , I end up winning and everyone it's clapping and cheering, it was super fun !! Dingdong patted me on the shoulder and laughed. I flinched a little not expecting him to touch me- no wait that sounds weird, god julain it was just a pat on the shoulder ,, we both smile at each other and complement each other on how good we are at games . "Your pretty good at games !!" I say to him , he giggles and rubs the back of his neck "really ? Well I kept crashing into walls but if you say so, your awesome at that game, ever payed it before ?" He told me , I nervously messed with my hands , like I always do. "n-no actually " I laugh, he looks shocked, god he's so cute ;; "well your amazing at it, nice meeting you julian " dingdong smiles at me , I feel all hot on my cheeks when he says my name - like a weirdo.. "nice s-seeing you too dingy !!" w-wait.. no no no I did not just call him that !! Oh god I've messed up, he probably thinks I'm stupid now oh no that's my chance gone -- I instantly apologise for some reason and start messing with my hair nervously. Dingdong laughs and his cheeks seem to turn red . "Hehe, cute" he says as he starts walking away . Oh,,god,, he just called m-me cute ?! whatever he probably didn't say that and I'm just imagining things ;; I watch him walk away and notice he has a small tail ((i tthink he is an alien in this but it's just normal for some reason wth is this ;; kill me) , god I'm such a gay furry-- I feel myself smiling like an idiot to myself as I hurry back to my room and try to hide my red face from Chris. This is just getting better and better ;;

Hey uuhm this is really dumb and stupid and I'm sorry for grammar mistakes and it being cringy and not in order or anything and kindaa dumb,, hhhh o nu idk hecc- also is this too long ?? Idk

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