Thomas Imagine

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Thomas, Newt & Minho; TMR
Your POV
"Come on Y/N, we're almost there"

You pick up speed and run up to Minho, a runner who had shown you what they do. You keep jogging with him until the door is in sight, then slowing to a walk.

"Now greenie, that wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked you sarcastically as you gasp for air.
"No, it was... fine..." you splutter. Minho lets out a laugh as your pass back into the Glade.

A few people look over at you, ignoring Minho altogether. You walk over to a small shack, and Minho swings open the door. Inside, 3 boys stood with confused looks on their faces, as they looked down at various maps.

"It just doesn't add up?!", a blonde boy with a British accent said.

"Did you find the exit yet?", you say, before you realise what you just said.

"If we could find this bloody 'exit' after a few hours, none of us would be here shuckin' two years, would we?!", blondie roared back at me.

A boy with brown hair and eyes to die for looked up at the British boy, and then to you.

"This is Newt", he said, with a voice that could melt ice, "and as you can see, he is done with the maze altogether."

"Suckin' up to the greenie, eh Tommy? Good luck there shuck face, half of this bloody Glade has already proposed, so get in line", Newt said bitterly, as he gathered the maps and locked them in a chest.

Before long, Frypan (who you had found out was the Glades cook) had you eating.

"Dibs sittin' with the girl!"
"Y/N, over here!"
"Saved you a space, greenie!"

These kind of arguments went on for a while, until Alby (He was the leader as such. He kept the Glade running smoothly, or at least tried to) let out a roar at all the boys.

"The next one of you shuck faces who try marry the shuckin' girl gets to meet Ben out in the maze, alright?! We will not treat her differently than we would any other Glader, got it?!"

You didn't know what had happened to Ben, but due to the face that the requests had suddenly stopped, you guessed that you were better off not knowing at all.

You walked over to Thomas, who was sitting under a tree with a boy who was a lot younger than him.

"Can I?", you ask him.

Thomas and the other boy nodded, and moved over a bit. You sat down beside Thomas. The two boys exchanged looks, and then the little one started talking.

"Hey", he said happily, "My name's Chuck. I was the greenie before Thomas here." He pointed at the boy beside him, who was now looking down at his hands.

"Nice to meet ya Chuck, I'm Y/N", you say, grinning.

"Well Y/N, it must be real hard for you, bein' the only girl and all", he laughs.

"Nah it's grand. I get a bit of special treatment here", you giggle in return.

"I'll say. You're the talk of the Glade. Thomas here was just talkin' about ya, weren't you?"

Thomas looked at Chuck and flushed red. Chuck giggled at the state of him.

"Yeah, I mean, you're the first girl we've had here", Thomas said as he scratched the back of his head. His cheeks were still a rose blush. "Kinda hard not to, well, talk about it"

"First girl?", you question, "Like, you've never had girls here before?"

"Nope" Thomas answered "Not for the two years some of these shuck heads have been here for"

"Dude, you sound like a bloody idiot when you use the Glader words" Chuck giggled. Thomas returned to staring at his hands, and you finished your food.

You stand outside homestead, and watch all the gladers get ready for the night. The majority of them slept outside, including the ones you met.

You walk over to the tree you ate lunch at earlier, and lie down under it, looking up at the black sky. Beside you, you hear footsteps getting closer. You roll around to see Thomas standing there, holding a jumper, similar to the one Minho and the other runners had on.

"Come here, you'll get cold"

You sit up, and let Thomas put the jumper on you. He smiles when he sees that it is way too big for you, and your hands have disappeared into the sleeves.

"Can I stay here with you?"

You smile and let him sit down beside you.

"So, what has been your favourite job here?" he asked.

"Runner, I guess" you reply, trying not to think about your experience with the slicers. His eyes lit up.

"Well, I'm sure you'll get runner. The guys around here will let you do pretty much anything, considering everyone wants to marry you"

"Everyone?" you ask curiously.

He looks at you with a lobsided grin that makes your heart beat twice as fast.
"Pretty much. Even Chuck is after you"

You both giggle together, and then lie down facing opposite directions. It wasn't long before you fell asleep, with Thomas behind you.


First part of the first imagine! What do you's think?

Please comment and vote for the next part, which will be in Thomas's POV x

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