Chapter 1: A New Adventure

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Yona awoke with rustling in the bushes as she saw her good friend Zeno fall out of the tree he was sleeping in. She was wedged between Shin-ah and Jae-ha. Shin-ha held onto the young princess scared she was going to leave while he slept. And Jae-ha stayed close to make sure she wasn't cold or scared. As she broke free from Shin-ha's tight hold on her she ran over to Zeno.

"Are you all right, Zeno?" She asked with deep concern.

"Zeno's fine, Zeno has a strong body." He answered with his usual smile.

As she looked at her blond-haired friend, she remembered everything he's been through. He may look like a seventeen-year-old kid that acts childish, but he's really thousands of years old.

"Ugg" Hak groaned as he sat up from a good night's sleep on the cold hard ground.

Hak has dark black hair and brown eyes that Yona can't stop staring into. Yona has known Hak since she was a child, when she still lived in the palace. She was run out of there on her sixteenth birthday by her cousin Su-wan, who she loved with all her heart. Until he betrayed her by committing treason and murdered her father King Ill and almost did the same to her. Then Hak showed up and protected her. He was the only one in the palace to stay by her side.

It's been only four short months since her father died, and so much has happened. She first met the strawberry-blond-haired boy, Yun, who acts like a mother to the whole group. He cooks their meals, sews their torn clothing, heals their injuries after a battle, and yells at them whenever they do something wrong.

Gija, who was the second on her list of friends she's met, has white hair that goes down to his shoulder blades. He's a very strong fighter and holds the power of the white dragon in his right arm, which can quadruple in size when needed. His white scaly arm can carry up to a ton, maybe more. He is known as the White Dragon Warrior.

Shin-ha was the third she met. He has the most beautiful eyes, the color gold with red tattooed marks around them. He could see miles over with his perfect vision. Given to him by the blue dragon. He wears a white mask over his face, scared that the power of his eyes could harm the princess along with his shyness. He also has short bright blue hair that he also hides with the back of the mask, which is a giant fur peace that little Ao lives inside of for warmth. He was known as the Blue Dragon Warrior. Ao is a little squirrel that is Shin-ha's best friend and she follows him everywhere.

After she met Shin-ha and they traveled for a bit they finally met Jae-ha. He has long green hair, and purple eyes. Jae-ha can be quite the pervert when.... Well whenever he talks. He was given the power of the green dragon and hold it in his left leg. Just like Gija his whole leg is covered with dragon scales all the way down. When he uses his powerful green leg, it looks like he's flying through the air.

Zeno was the last she met. Yona, met him about a month ago and she doesn't ever want to lose him, not any of them.

"Yona! Can you come over here and give me a hand?" Yun asked the crimson haired princess.

"Sure Yun. What do you need help with?" She asked the young man.

"I need your help skinning this dear that Jae-ha caught. The youth explained.

Yona's P.O.V.

As I skinned the little dear that has given its life for me, I thought of how when I was first run out of my home of how Hak had to do everything.

"Hey! Yona Dear, I would like some help over here getting some water if that's alright with you?" Asked the green haired man.

"Sure, I just about to head over there to wash the guts off my hands." I said as I got up.

As we made our way through the forest to get to the river for our fresh water, Jae-ha was telling me stories of when he was a pirate. The crew he was a part of wasn't like other pirates, they protected the people of Awa city, from the Drug Lord Kum-Ji. Kum-ji, is a type of man who only thinks of one thing, and that thing was power. When I first found Jae-ha, he didn't want anything to do with me. All he wanted to do was to fly free as a bird. He thought that if he listened to the blood of the green dragon he would be a slave for the rest of his life once he met his master. I'm the dragon warrior's master according to Zeno but I don't feel like their master, I feel like their friend. I wouldn't be able to live a single day without any of them. I felt more fear of losing them when Yun was about to be killed by one of Kum-Ji's henchmen.

As we reached the river, I saw something that ended up changing my whole life once again. It was a small black hole in the sky, that was sucking leaves in it.

"Jae-ha, what's that thing over there?" I asked with a little fear in my voice.

"What's what Yona Dear?" That's when he saw it and all the blood in side of him screamed RUN!

That's when the hole suddenly got bigger and started to pull me into the dark nothingness. Jae-ha grabbed me and used his leg to hold us both back, but it wasn't working. We were slowly being pulled in. That's when I saw all my friends, who heard me scream from terror, came to investigate what was happening. Then they were gone in the hole. My heart suddenly broke faster than that hole grew. Then Jae-ha and I were sucked in.



Hey guys so this is my first story tell me what you think about it. I would love it if you would help me out with any of the writing if you have any ideas about what should happen anytime. 

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