Blind date

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So today was friday. Ussualy I would just chill in my apartment watching dramas, eating snacks and going early to bed.
But then I got a notification

But then I got a notification

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Lisa is my best friend, she's opposite from me. Always having fun and going out, smiling at the silliest things, but I really can't stand these blind date things (not the first time).

It's almost 4p.m and I'm still sitting on my bed and thinking, what can go wrong? what should I wear? What if he's a creep? Is it worth it?

I hate myself for always overthinking what can go wrong.

I got up from the bed took a shower and did a light make-up.
Now i'm standing in front of my closet thinking what should i wear. I don't wear dresses often but today I want to be more confident than ussual
I found a few options, but i'll go with black as always.

 I don't wear dresses often but today I want to be more confident than ussualI found a few options, but i'll go with black as always

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Now it's almost 8 o'clock and you can feel anxiety building.

You're heart raced as you heard someone knocking.
You walked slowly too look who it is.

You opened the door and saw a boy standing there. He was wearing jeans jacket with black jeans and grey sneakers. He had black hair and really beautiful eyes that now was checking you out from head to toe.
He smirked a little bit "I see your ready" he said "Well I am" you smiled "Im a/n"
"I know" You just looked at him confused
"So what's your name?"
This coversation is starting to feel awkward at least for you. Your going on a date and you don't know anything including his name.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook" he smiled.
"So where are we going?"
You asked closing your apartments door.
"You'll see"

I got into car and we started to drive. The ride was quiet. After 20 minutes of driving we got into a club.

 After 20 minutes of driving we got into a club

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Not a date that you Imagined. You don't drink at all, a few shots would be enough to make you a mess.

You get to the bar and Jungkook was already ordering shots. "Im sorry I don't drink" you almost shouted because music was too loud. He looked kinda irritated. "C'mon just a few shots" he looked you in the eyes "Sorry i don't drink at all, i'll just have water" he looked now really annoyed, but you don't care.

Jungkook now was on his maybe sixth shot. He just grabbed you and pushed you to the dancing floor. I knew how to dance but he was really to touchy his hands roamed around my waist when his lips were on my neck. I tryed to get out but his grip got stronger. I pushed him harder. And that was a success.

I run through all the people dancing and enjoying themselfs as I reached the bathroom i quickly dialed Lisa's number.
"C'mon pick up, pick up" but no luck.
"What should I do now?" You mumbled looking at your reflection in the mirror "I just need to get out of the club that's all"
You couraged yourself.

A few moments later you got out of the bathroom, but then this blonde guy pushed you to the wall, you tried to get out, but then felt something soft on your lips, but little did you know that he was saving your ass.

You looked at him shocked but he just laughed. "Are you crazy!?" You shouted.
"And why are you laughing? What's so funny?" You shouted even louder. This friday is getting worse and worse.
"Your face" now that was not the answer you expected. The blood now was rushing to your cheeks from embarrassment 'am i that ugly?'
"I mean your expression was cute nothing else" now he looked embarrassed.
"Oh" You're cheeks burned.
"And don't be so loud because Jungkook is still looking for you" he stated
"Wait how do you know him?" You asked.
"You really should know with who are you going out"
"My best friend arranged me on this so called 'blind date', so it wasn't my choice".He nooded.
"Do you need a ride home?" He asked softly.
"Mhh" I nooded.

You got out of the club safe.
You both got into the car. But then he looked at you and asked "are you always like this?" you just looked dumbfounded at him "like what?"
"Like getting into the car with person that you don't even know." He half smirked.
Then i realised that he was right it's the second time today. "I'm Park Jimin" he smiled. I just stared at him "are you okay?" He asked.
"Wow his smile is beautiful" then I realised "Ohh I didn't mean to say it out loud"
He looked away for a second and smiled even wider.
"I'm a/n nice to meet you Jimin" you smiled at him before he started to drive. The drive was quiet
Your eyelids got heavier every second passing by.

Jimin now parked right in front of your house. Good that you said address before falling asleep.
"Wake up" he gently shaked your shoulder.

You got out of the car
You heard "wait a/n"
You turn around and Jimin now was approaching you and without any words he just kissed you gently with his soft plump lips a few seconds later you responded to the kiss.
When he broke the kiss he asked "do you want to go on a date with me?"
I just smiled and without hesitation said "Yes".

When he broke the kiss he asked "do you want to go on a date with me?"I just smiled and without hesitation said "Yes"

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Author's Note

This is my first ff ever I hope you enjoyed. So don't judge me too hard😅
Sorry for all my grammar, English is not my first language so it's really not easy to write.

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