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       She opened her eyes and looked for the time. At first she couldn't comprehend what the alarm was telling her.  It said 6:45 but since she just woke up she couldn't tell if she was late or if she could get some more sleep. Finally her brain awoke and she groaned remembering it was Friday.

      She lay in bed a few more minutes checking her social media
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Like:  10,000 people like this.  Comments:

Alyssa: Boy you hot as hellll 😍😅😉hook me up

Megan: looking good😎😘

Daniela: we should go out sum tyme 🤗😅😓🤓

Lawanda: missing you😄😘😗

Chris: I really wish I was you

Devon: kill your self, faggot

Gee gee: I want you to have my babies sangwoo
Elizabeth: FUCK ME!!

Chris: how cum you get all the ladies... no fair🤔😓😫😟😢😭😵☹🖕😾


.•°Your comment here....

You thought to yourself...

He is attractive....
But he would just think I'm another one of his horny groupies...

But I'm not into him like that!! I just think he's a really nice guys to hang out with.

Minutes later...

While Combing your hair you thought about all the times you and sangwoo bumped into eachother. A little while after that you grasped your bag and swung it upon  your shoulders.  "I'm ready!!" You shouted randomly.

(Yes, you were a very random person.)

She walked down the street to the bus stop. As she walked further she looked at her surroundings. She saw stores and neighborhoods. But one neighborhood caught her eye.

About this time of day, you thought, all the places were covered in throngs of buzzing people. Cars, dogs, keys, children... those were everyday sounds in the early morning. But this-this one was diferent. It was...weird.

It seemed as if... no one was there. Like a ghost town. Like an apocalypse. Cars still sleep on the streets and paper cluttered the ground. Sketchy...

"Eh" you shrugged. "Not my home, not my business." You continued to your destination.  Then you remembered something of your past...

No idea why but you began to invision memories of when you were in middle school. How you litteraly had no friends and everyone abandoned you. Much like that neighborhood... It too was abandoned...

"I wonder"

You looked at the road waiting for the bus.

"If anyone lives there..."


Its been 45 minutes and the public transportation has not arrived yet.

You were beginning to get impatient. You looked at the time.

   7:38 AM
It takes at least 30 minutes to get to your college. You won't have any time for free breakfast. You will have to pay, sadly.

The bus finally arrives. You step aboard and hand a woman some money.

"Where ya off to?"

"Oh-the college!!" You didn't really like to talk to people. So when you spoke it was kind of shy and awkward.

You sat in the middle, got comfy and relaxed to your music playlist.




*sigh* "Fine!"

"Nobody knows how to change the settings on your computers?!!

Still nothing, but the students looked at Each other embaraced.

"Go to the task bar on the left of your screen-"

Its been a while since you transferred schools. You havn't really made but one-uh...sort of friend.

You kind of liked him because he was shy. And shy meant you're quiet.  And (y,n) didn't like when people talk a lot.

You did like the conversations sometimes though.

"Uh-hey, (y,n)?" The boy was shy. Very shy indeed.

"Hmm..yes, Yoonbum?"

He shivered in his clothes. But wasn't cold. He was just really nervous.

"I-um have you ever like- I mean... so... I think that- i-i-i u-umm..." omg

"Yo! Hey! Calm the heck down!" You tried to ease his nerves. 

"That's it now breathe."

He held his breathe and puffed out his cheeks for a moment before finally exhaling. Then he sighed in comfort.

"Okay, now start again. What is it?" Your eyes were soft and (e,c). But also intimate and sharp. Their beauty changed with emotion based on your mood.  you gazed into his eyes to comfort him. Normally, no one would want to be stared at this way but weirdly, like the weirdo yoonbum is, he loved it.

"O-okay... Its very important.."

"Mhm" you nodded for him to go on.

"So...i think-i think I'm..." he started to cry.

"Aye! Don't cry! Stop crying! Oohhh um- why-why are you um? Yoonbum, why...are you crying?"

Fortunately you and yoonbum sat at the very top of the pillars. No one else sat anywhere closer than five rows from the top.

Don't know why but that's how it is.

"(Y,n)" low chocked back tears took over his speech. "I...i think im..." he hesitated really long but finally revealed his secret.

"...gay" he held his breathe hoping for the worst.

Your eyes jerked in shock. But emideatly you reassured the skinny boy.

"Hey its okay! Lots of guys like other guys! You will be fine. Why are you acting so worried?" You wrapped your arms around both his shoulders.

"I-i don't want to be mocked or-or.." he sobbed some more.

"Everyone is m-mean to mee!" He cried harder and hugged her tightly.

You quickly hugged him back. Yoonbum reminded yoh of a young innocent boy that would be too scared to show off his new toy because the bigger kids might steal it or break it.

Yoonbum is too sweet for all this pressure, you thought, I know he's weird but so what? I'm beginning to get pissed off at these jerks.

Sangwoo x reader x YoonbumWhere stories live. Discover now