Jessica's journal

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last exit from America                            Saturday 23 November.                        seven days before moving to Kilkenny,Ireland. Nine days before starting a new school in Ireland.        5:30 pm.                                                 I am on the eve of a new adventure where I leave everything I have ever  had a)america b)friends c)the lad I dad lost his job and decided to move the whole family to welcome to the life of Jessica,      Sunday 24 November.                         Day 2 of my big adventure.doritos and dip what more do u want.I went to town with me friends before I leave soo sad about leaving them I've known them since juniors, either way I will never forget them.I wonder will Kilkenny have doritos my cousins laughed at me when I said that like wut just cuz she's Irish. we went back to Sarah's after town her gorgeous brother was there lad I love she knows i know tots embarrasing but here's the good bit he said he would never forget me and he said he loved me and he wanted to spend sometime with me.As his lips pressed smoothly against mine all I could think of how I wish this could have happened everyday not just now but forever I could feel his breath on my neck and I got the goosebumps all over me he gave me one final kiss and a hug oh and his phone number the bad thing is Sarah saw everything it was only a kiss Athough like it wasn't much jeez.         wednsday 27 November.                    this is w-on-der-ful I was waiking home from my cousins when Jamies  (Jessica's brother lad I love)   friend John said Jamie wants to meet me at the park ,I played it cool and just nodded.Anyway I went to the park and he was waiting there with Phil and jake.,he said   what day you going to Ireland?,next week dunno what day yet but I'll let u know when it's near,that's really cool I mean Ireland not u going or anything he spluttered,he looked really upset won't be seeing u round much then,and then he pulled me in thight and kissed me on the lips and said see you round and waiked off,I don't get it he called me to the park just to say that to me well it was a bit awkward with Phil and Jake but I liked it but I thought well I thought more would have happened nothing big or serious just I dunno.                   7:00 pm.                                                  just realised if Jamie asks me out -i am moving to Ireland and will never get to see him,some relashionship, how upsetting                                        Thursday 28 august.                             Just texted Jamie to tell him I'm moving on Saturday.I spent the whole day wrapping up and putting all my stuff in big boxes I'm gonna miss America. I had a dream that Jamie tracked me down and asked me to come back to America with him and begged me to start a family with him when I'm 22 but it was just a stupid dream.went to town with my friends for the last time ever (sob)I'll never forget this day maybe I could come back and visit them when I'm older who knows but they'll always be my friends,friends forever.  Friday- farewell party                           I have been in my room for ages seeming as nearly everyone we've known since my parents childhood r here.I even saw my old middle-school teacher Mrs.Hickey .it was pretty cool I have been able to say goodbye to everyone and now I'm all set to  my annoying ten year old brother was giving everyone his phone number like who would want his fucin number.                                  8:45 pm.                                                 Everyone is leaving now there's a lot of tears,my brother is hugging everyone like what is up with him he was fucin complaining about them 2 weeks ago.                                             saturday 30 November -day of the big move.                  the day has finally arrived got to. go I'm in charge of the breakables.Dad is gone mad he can't find all his trophies from when he was  younger
11:05 am.                                             mum found dads trophies and put them away in the crate,he wasnt happy because he wanted to supervise its packaging.The mover guys got annoyed with dad and started cursing at him and dad kicked him in the stomach and he fainted lol.I got annoyed at the mover guy too he called me a kid I'm fucin sixteen not six jeez.                    4:00 pm.                                                 Katie came round she made a scrapbook of me her and the other two girls Laura and Anne she said they couldn't make it becuz they had horse riding but told me they'd never forget me and to keep in contact I'm gonna miss them.I felt really sad when she left.Anyway gotta go we're late as usual its taking mum and dad forever to leave the house jeez it's just a house there's another one waiting for us in Ireland,dad must forget it was his idea to move.            6:00 pm

I was alright till we all got in the cab because god only knows when I'll be back and I miss my friends and Jamie already I keep pulling out the scrapbook there's a picture of me and Jamie in it.I was turning around to take one last look at our house when I saw Jamie was heading towards our old house he must have been coming to say goodbye to me because he had a big box of chocolates perfume and flowers, he knocked at the door and I was waving like mad trying to get his attention but I was gone.Boarding we're boarding I gotta get a seat away from David for at least six hours his my brother my ANNOYING brother.yes got a seat two rows behind David.This fat woman keeps drooling on me ugghhh I'd rather sit beside my annoying brother I wish she'd just fucin wake up.

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