Part 1

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My name is Yumi and i am a high school is incredibly hard...and i never thought it could get any harder...until i learned i would have to live with boys.Stinky,smell,nasty boys!And that isn't even worse THEIR dorms.You may be thinking inside your head that i am lucky to be living with luscious men, but i happen to hate boys.I just seriously despise's insane how much my friends are looking forward to this.Instead, they should be worrying,boys could end up taking advantage of them.Of course I am not sure that would happen,but it still a possibility.The most excited one out of all of them was my best friend,Su-mi.Her being the one i care about the most.She has already gone through a lot and i don't want her to be hurt, but again i could be stretching this problem a little too far.

Today is the start of only the second week of school,so i haven't been able to see a lot of my friends,and other people. I also haven't met the new girl in our dorm.Not that we are even going to be in our dorm anymore.I am pretty sure everyone else has met her,including su-mi.I will pretty soon...well i have a feeling i will be meeting a lot of people pretty soon.I don't really talk to guys, so i pretty much only know one boy.
That boy is my friend.

Yeah i know...I say i hate boys but i have a friend that's a boy, but hear me out. He has always been there for me,  all the other boys suck.His name is Hyun-ki. Not too long ago he told me he liked me, so it gets awkward whenever i am around him now.I know I am kind of leading him on by still hanging out with him, but I would seriously have almost no one to talk to if i left him.

By the way, if you couldn't tell, I don't like him back.Not because he is a boy,that would just be foolish, he just isn't my cup of tea.I want a guy that i haven't already figured out.I want someone that i have figured out as time goes by,someone i can get to know,and i already know Hyun-Ki very well.Also,Hyun-ki isn't the most appealing guy ever.That may sound ignorant,but let's just say he was born with the brains and not the looks.

Not saying he isn't attractive...I am just not drawn to him.I find guys with bright eyes and pale skin the most appealing.I have never found a guy like that though, and i am confident that there probably isn't any,but if i do find someone like that, it is very improbable that i will talk to him.I simply cannot talk to people. i mean is,i want to talk to people... but i suck at it.Plus, i still don't like boys.

As i parade up steps to the boys dorm with su-mi, i felt this empty pit in my stomach. I couldn't be nervous...could i? All i know is that i have never had this sense before.I could tell su-mi had it too,she was holding her stomach in tight embrace.I took a deep breath and opened the door, not knowing what was coming for me.

A boy stood at the doorway, his smile fading away as he saw us. it was still dawn so his shirt was off and he had a toothbrush in his mouth.He must have been baffled because he froze in place.




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